Oldies but goodies: |
* [SnippetBot Tutorial] |
* [SnippetBot Tutorial] |
* [SuperWalls et al] - very good tutorial. |
* [SuperWalls and others] - very good tutorials. More modern and/or advanced tutorials: |
* GFTargetingBot - An OpenSource bot by PEZ, demonstrating a basic GuessFactorTargeting bot in a tutorial style. |
Broken links: |
Someone should try and archive these on their computers, due to the majority of the links being dead, or is that just server downtime -- Bal |
Oldies but goodies:
More modern and/or advanced tutorials:
Broken links:
First 7 links were signed Ray Vermette, but I couldn't find a good way to preserve his signature while keeping this page looking right, so I'm just mentioning it ;) -- Voidious
Someone should try and archive these on their computers, due to the majority of the links being dead, or is that just server downtime -- Bal