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Difference (from prior major revision) (minor diff, author diff)

Added: 2a3
Oldies but goodies:

Changed: 5c6
* [SnippetBot Tutorial]
* [SnippetBot Tutorial]

Changed: 9c10,12
* [SuperWalls et al] - very good tutorial.
* [SuperWalls and others] - very good tutorials.

More modern and/or advanced tutorials:

Added: 10a14
* GFTargetingBot - An OpenSource bot by PEZ, demonstrating a basic GuessFactorTargeting bot in a tutorial style.

Added: 11a16,17

Broken links:

Added: 14a21,22

Someone should try and archive these on their computers, due to the majority of the links being dead, or is that just server downtime -- Bal

Some excellent tutorials for Beginners and not-so-beginners:

Oldies but goodies:

More modern and/or advanced tutorials:

Broken links:

First 7 links were signed Ray Vermette, but I couldn't find a good way to preserve his signature while keeping this page looking right, so I'm just mentioning it ;) -- Voidious

Someone should try and archive these on their computers, due to the majority of the links being dead, or is that just server downtime -- Bal

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Last edited August 23, 2007 23:12 EST by Voidious (diff)