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Difference (from prior author revision) (major diff, minor diff)

Changed: 1,5c1,3
A Radnor bot, made mostly by Mike.

ver 1.41 - Added randomness.

Gun - NanoGod?

DoctorBob, King of Nano

Changed: 7c5
Radar - DoctorBob
A Radnor bot, made mostly by Mike.

Changed: 9c7
Move - Modded NanoAndrew
Ver 1.42 - Tweak some numbers

Changed: 11c9,12
(which is in turn albert's oscillation)--andrew
Ver 1.41 - Added randomness.
*Gun - NanoGod?
*Radar - DoctorBob
*Move - Modded NanoAndrew (which is in turn albert's oscillation)--andrew

Added: 12a14,15

Added: 13a17,18
*nano melee: #1
*nano 1 on 1: #1

Removed: 15,17d19
nano melee: #1

nano 1 on 1: #2-3

DoctorBob, King of Nano

A Radnor bot, made mostly by Mike.

Ver 1.42 - Tweak some numbers

Ver 1.41 - Added randomness.




This is a really nice bot. I never thought that a NanoBot could get so strong in both OneOnOne and Melee. -- rozu

It still has an strong momentum. Leave it some time and it has a good probability to reach the top. -- Albert

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Last edited April 7, 2004 19:15 EST by Mike Zhang (diff)