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The full source code of a bot that for a second was #6 on EternalRumble OneOnOne. For the moment it's #11.

package pez.mini;
import robocode.*;
import java.awt.geom.*;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.util.*;

// Gouldingi, by PEZ. Small, hard to catch and sharp teeth.
// $Id: Gouldingi.java,v 1.9 2003/04/18 10:08:30 peter Exp $

public class Gouldingi extends AdvancedRobot {
    private static Point2D location = new Point2D.Double();
    private static Point2D oldLocation = new Point2D.Double();
    private static Point2D enemyLocation = new Point2D.Double();
    private static Point2D oldEnemyLocation = new Point2D.Double();
    private static Rectangle2D fieldRectangle;
    private static double guessedHeading;
    private static double enemyDistance;
    private static double enemyEnergy;
    private static double absoluteBearing;
    private static double deltaBearing;
    private static double meanOffsetFactor;
    private static double meanAimFactorLeft;
    private static double meanAimFactorStraight;
    private static double meanAimFactorRight;
    private static double velocity;

    public void run() {
        fieldRectangle = new Rectangle2D.Double(0, 0 , getBattleFieldWidth(), getBattleFieldHeight());
        setColors(Color.gray, Color.yellow, Color.black);

        while (true) {
            if (Math.random() < 0.05) {
                velocity = Math.min(8, Math.random() * 24);
            setMaxVelocity(Math.abs(getTurnRemaining()) > 45 ? 0.1 : velocity);
            if (getOthers() == 0) {

    public void onScannedRobot(ScannedRobotEvent e) {
        location.setLocation(getX(), getY());
        absoluteBearing = getHeading() + e.getBearing();
        enemyEnergy = e.getEnergy();
        enemyDistance = e.getDistance();
        toLocation(absoluteBearing, enemyDistance, location, enemyLocation);
        deltaBearing = normalRelativeAngle(absoluteBearing(oldLocation, enemyLocation) -
            absoluteBearing(oldLocation, oldEnemyLocation));
        if (enemyEnergy > 0 && (getEnergy() > 0.2 || enemyDistance < 150)) {
            Bullet bullet = setFireBullet(bulletPower(enemyEnergy));
            if (bullet != null) {
                addCustomEvent(new CheckUpdateFactors(bullet));

    private void moveRandomly() {
        if (Math.abs(getDistanceRemaining()) < Math.random() * 50) {
            Point2D dLocation = new Point2D.Double();
            double relativeAngle = -36 + 72 * Math.random();
            double distanceExtra = 3;
            double angle = absoluteBearing + 180 + relativeAngle;
            if (isCornered() || enemyDistance > 600) {
                distanceExtra = -1;
            if (enemyEnergy == 0 && getOthers() == 1) {
                distanceExtra = -10;
            distanceExtra *= Math.abs(relativeAngle);
            toLocation(angle, enemyDistance + distanceExtra, enemyLocation, dLocation);
            if (!fieldRectangle.contains(dLocation)) {
                angle = absoluteBearing + 180 - relativeAngle;
                toLocation(angle, enemyDistance + distanceExtra, enemyLocation, dLocation);
            translateInsideField(dLocation, 35);

    private double bulletPower(double enemyEnergy) {
        double power = 3;
        power = Math.min(enemyEnergy / 4, power);
        power = Math.min(getEnergy() / 3, power);
        return power;

    private void aimGun() {
        double guessedDistance = location.distance(enemyLocation);
        double meanAimFactor = meanAimFactorStraight;
        if (deltaBearing < -0.3) {
            meanAimFactor = meanAimFactorLeft;
        else if (deltaBearing > 0.3) {
            meanAimFactor = meanAimFactorRight;
        guessedHeading = absoluteBearing(location, enemyLocation);
        if (Math.abs(deltaBearing) > 0.05) {
            guessedHeading += deltaBearing * meanAimFactor;
        else {
            guessedHeading += meanOffsetFactor;
        Point2D impactLocation = new Point2D.Double();
        toLocation(guessedHeading, guessedDistance, location, impactLocation);
        translateInsideField(impactLocation, 1);
        guessedHeading = absoluteBearing(location, impactLocation);
        setTurnGunRight(normalRelativeAngle(guessedHeading - getGunHeading()));

    private void goTo(Point2D point) {
        double distance = location.distance(point);
        double angle = normalRelativeAngle(absoluteBearing(location, point) - getHeading());
        if (Math.abs(angle) > 90) {
            distance *= -1;
            if (angle > 0) {
                angle -= 180;
            else {
                angle += 180;

    private boolean isCornered() {
        double m = 100;
        double mnX = m;
        double mnY = m;
        double mxX = fieldRectangle.getWidth() - m;
        double mxY = fieldRectangle.getHeight() - m;
        double x = location.getX();
        double y = location.getY();
        return ((x < mnX && (y < mnY || y > mxY)) || (x > mxX && (y < mnY || y > mxY)));

    private void translateInsideField(Point2D point, double margin) {
        point.setLocation(Math.max(margin, Math.min(fieldRectangle.getWidth() - margin, point.getX())),
                          Math.max(margin, Math.min(fieldRectangle.getHeight() - margin, point.getY())));

    private void toLocation(double angle, double length, Point2D sourceLocation, Point2D targetLocation) {
        targetLocation.setLocation(sourceLocation.getX() + Math.sin(Math.toRadians(angle)) * length,
                                   sourceLocation.getY() + Math.cos(Math.toRadians(angle)) * length);

    private double absoluteBearing(Point2D source, Point2D target) {
        return Math.toDegrees(Math.atan2(target.getX() - source.getX(), target.getY() - source.getY()));

    private double normalRelativeAngle(double angle) {
        angle = Math.toRadians(angle);
        return Math.toDegrees(Math.atan2(Math.sin(angle), Math.cos(angle))); 

    public double rollingAvg(double value, double newEntry, double n, double weighting ) {
        return (value * n + newEntry * weighting)/(n + weighting);

    class CheckUpdateFactors extends Condition {
        private long time;
        private double bulletVelocity;
        private double bulletPower;
        private double bearingDelta;
        private Point2D oldRLocation = new Point2D.Double();
        private Point2D oldELocation = new Point2D.Double();
        private double oldBearing;

        public CheckUpdateFactors(Bullet bullet) {
            this.time = getTime();
            this.bulletVelocity = bullet.getVelocity();
            this.bulletPower = bullet.getPower();
            this.bearingDelta = deltaBearing;
            this.oldBearing = absoluteBearing(oldRLocation, oldELocation);

        public boolean test() {
            if (bulletVelocity * (getTime() - time) > oldRLocation.distance(enemyLocation) - 10) {
                double impactBearing = absoluteBearing(oldRLocation, enemyLocation);
                double bearingDiff = normalRelativeAngle(impactBearing - oldBearing);
                meanOffsetFactor = rollingAvg(meanOffsetFactor, bearingDiff, 20, bulletPower);
                if (Math.abs(bearingDelta) > 0.05) {
                    double factor = bearingDiff / bearingDelta;
                    if (bearingDelta < -0.3) {
                        meanAimFactorLeft = rollingAvg(meanAimFactorLeft, factor, 75, bulletPower);
                    else if (bearingDelta > 0.3) {
                        meanAimFactorRight = rollingAvg(meanAimFactorRight, factor, 75, bulletPower);
                    else {
                        meanAimFactorStraight = rollingAvg(meanAimFactorStraight, factor, 75, bulletPower);
            return false;

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Edited April 24, 2003 23:13 EST by PEZ (diff)