Changed the condition for switching from StopAndGo to RandomMovement: was "if dies within first 3 rounds", now "if dies in first 5 rounds and last distance > 250".
Code size: 748
1.071 - 11/24/2007
MicroBot 1v1 - Rating: 1914 (8th)
General 1v1 - Rating: 1801 (91st)
Rollback to 1.052.
Copied some bullet power management from Komarious.
Code size: 748
1.07 - 11/24/2007
MicroBot 1v1 - Rating: 1917 (8th)
General 1v1 - Rating: 1791 (94th)
Removed accel segmentation from gun.
Added onBulletHit energy tracking (without using Rules class).