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Well, as a parallel to RougeDC/TargetingLab, here's the movement lab.

RR Version MC Version Bot A Bot B Bot C Total Comment
Gamma4 MC01 96.22 98.18 97.53 97.31 1 season (500 Rounds)
MC03 99.94 98.33 95.98 98.08 1 season (500 Rounds)
MC04 100.00 98.72 96.58 98.43 1 season (500 Rounds)

RR Version MC Version HOF SPL GRG Sub 1 WAY (Sub 2) GR3 RKM Sub 3 ASC CC CHK Sub 4 Total Comments
Alpha12 99.85 84.95 87.93 90.91 65.80 72.81 76.26 74.54 29.26 37.74 37.49 34.83 66.52 31.0 seasons
Alpha13 99.70 85.87 90.58 92.05 66.35 73.17 76.61 74.89 31.28 41.07 40.58 37.64 67.73 31.0 seasons
Alpha14 99.81 87.45 91.45 92.90 67.68 72.74 78.37 75.55 28.80 39.62 38.00 35.47 67.90 45.0 seasons
Alpha15 99.70 85.91 91.53 92.38 66.31 72.88 77.88 75.38 32.18 40.19 39.11 37.16 67.81 45.0 seasons
Gamma4 MC01 99.83 85.55 92.07 92.48 68.29 72.74 79.32 76.03 30.83 38.73 37.33 35.63 68.11 34.0 seasons
MC03 99.93 85.25 90.46 91.88 65.71 71.99 78.99 75.49 25.78 37.35 33.67 32.27 66.34 47.0 seasons
MC04 99.37 86.45 90.01 91.94 65.70 72.90 77.96 75.43 26.03 35.21 32.83 31.36 66.11 50.0 seasons
MC05 99.88 85.56 91.67 92.37 66.60 72.29 79.19 75.74 27.40 37.25 32.56 32.40 66.78 29.0 seasons
MC06 99.79 86.61 92.03 92.81 67.68 72.24 78.63 75.43 26.14 37.47 34.68 32.76 67.17 30.0 seasons

Version History:


Gahhh.... even though MC04 didn't hurt head-on performance according to WSC2K6, it's HOF performance took a major nosedive in MC2K7. The changes there were helpful to the Splinter and GrubbmThree performance but not much else. The surfer performance could surely be helped a great deal by a flattener, but I should first get my scores in "Sub 1" and "Sub3" up to decent levels I think... -- Rednaxela

Haha! The upcoming MC07 adds a NeuralNetwork to the mix, and results so far seem to show it as an improvement. What could it possibly offer a DC surfing? Well, The way I see it, normal DynamicClustering, is far from optimal against simple linear-targeting. The problem, is that for it to be accurate, it needs an awful lot of data samples (at least one at just about any velocity you may expect to be moving at) to produce good results, and it's inherently incapable of making guesses at gf values it has not seen before. Well, to solve that I added a simple back-propagation net. It's designed to find general trends in how the segment data tends to affect the guessfactor. Instead of just weighting results from DC lower when the situation is further from the current situation, I also use the neural net to reposition the guessfactors that the DC spits out, to be more relevant to the current situation. Wow... my bot is really tending to hybridize things all over the place. Actually, I find hybridizing far more pleasant than tuning, it's both more interesting and seems to get me results quicker. My targeting is DC/PM and my surfing is now DC/NN. I think this could likely be the first high ranking bot that uses both DC, PM, and NN learning/prediction techniques. Anyways, I'll post the MC07 results when I have 30 seasons I think. I think there's certainly room for improvement in the neural net though, such as trying out my "multiple plane regression clustering" idea to cluster multiple neural nets in order to more accurately model multi-mode targeters. -- Rednaxela

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Edited June 10, 2008 6:40 EST by Rednaxela (diff)