[Home]History of BlackPearl

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Revision 56 . . (edit) December 28, 2006 20:46 EST by Kinsen [Comment]
Revision 55 . . December 28, 2006 20:00 EST by Starrynte
Revision 54 . . May 5, 2006 3:35 EST by Voidious [reverted from vandalism]

Difference (from prior major revision) (minor diff, author diff)

Added: 106a107,110

Btw, if you want to shrink the codesize a little, you can use Rules.getBulletSpeed?() instead of using your own. --Starrynte

Although it could be done, I think that it would not be a good idea because many of the clients are using older versions without support for the rules class. -- Kinsen

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