[Home]History of Excession

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Revision 8 . . June 13, 2008 14:16 EST by [some results from first draft bot]
Revision 7 . . (edit) June 5, 2008 1:39 EST by Excession [added comment about where I'll publish my bots]
Revision 6 . . June 5, 2008 1:29 EST by Excession [link to user page on new wiki]
Revision 5 . . May 30, 2008 15:34 EST by Excession
Revision 4 . . May 9, 2008 22:06 EST by Rednaxela [Welcome indeed!]

Difference (from prior major revision) (no other diffs)

Added: 2a3,4
My first draft bot, with GuessFactorTargeting based on the tutorial and my own dive-bombing (spiraling and circling) movement wins 15% of the time against Marshmallow 1.9.7 and 55% of the time against Grinnik 0.6, based on one 100-round battle against each. I'm very pleased with this and am anxious to continue development. I'll be officially releasing Mark I of my first bot next Wednesday. -- 13-Jun-08 Excession

Changed: 11c13
Actually I'll publish it on the new test wiki. -- Excession
Actually I'll publish it on the new test wiki. -- Excession

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