[Home]History of GrubbmGrb

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Revision 87 . . (edit) December 9, 2006 10:22 EST by GrubbmGait [updated version]
Revision 83 . . July 15, 2006 7:55 EST by Voidious [file not found?]
Revision 82 . . July 15, 2006 2:11 EST by GrubbmGait [v1.2.3 explanation]

Difference (from prior major revision) (minor diff, author diff)

Changed: 14c14
It does not guess factors and does not surf waves, yet it is ranked just in the top 10% of the RoboRumble.
It does not guess factors and does not surf waves, yet it is ranked just in the top-50 of the RoboRumble.

Changed: 18,19c18,19
GrubbmGrb: http://www.robocoderepository.com/BotDetail.jsp?id=2380

or at http://home.versatel.nl/gheijenk/robocode/jarfiles/gh.GrubbmGrb_1.2.1.jar
GrubbmGrb: http://www.robocoderepository.com/BotDetail.jsp?id=2380

or at http://home.versatel.nl/gheijenk/robocode/jarfiles/gh.GrubbmGrb_1.2.4.jar

Changed: 80c80,82
Pass Locke (and maybe RaikoMicro) on the rankinglist.
Pass Locke (and maybe RaikoMicro) on the rankinglist.

Accomplished to pass Locke, due to quite a lot of fresh meat new bots with relative simple targeting, the kind I like to dodge ;-)

Alas, this accomplishment was due to some weird battleresults of a pulled robocode version. I still need a fistfull of points . . .

Added: 174a177,180

The repository is up, but it doesn't look like the file for 1.2.3 can be found via the link there. -- Voidious

I have also put it on my own webspace now, and changed the participants-link. The repository seems down again. -- GrubbmGait

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