[Home]History of History/KingsOfRR

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Revision 73 . . (edit) September 10, 2008 21:37 EST by Voidious [fixing "Current King" :-P]
Revision 72 . . July 12, 2008 20:51 EST by Skilgannon [about time...]
Revision 71 . . (edit) November 11, 2007 1:44 EST by Voidious [fixing flag image URLs - Safari doesn't understand those malformed URLs :P]

Difference (from prior major revision) (minor diff, author diff)

Changed: 7c7
http://rumble.fervir.com/pkg-flag/voidious.gif Voidious, author of Dookious
http://rumble.fervir.com/pkg-flag/jk.gif Skilgannon, author of DrussGT

Changed: 28c28,29
| 2006-04-18 | 2082.03 | | | Voidious | Dookious | http://rumble.fervir.com/pkg-flag/voidious.gif
| 2006-04-18 | 2082.03 | 2008-04-03 | 2146.?? | Voidious | Dookious | http://rumble.fervir.com/pkg-flag/voidious.gif
| 2008-04-03 | 2151.?? | | | Skilgannon | DrussGT | http://rumble.fervir.com/pkg-flag/jk.gif

Added: 136a138,139

I think its fairly decided now, and I put the first version that scored more than 3 points over Dookious as the 'turning' point, 1.0.17NVBW. Maybe this will prompt Voidious to do some more coding? =) - Skilgannon

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