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Revision 88 . . June 22, 2008 21:41 EST by Skilgannon [speed optimizations]
Revision 87 . . June 22, 2008 9:01 EST by Skilgannon [gunheat dimension?]
Revision 86 . . (edit) November 20, 2007 18:29 EST by Voidious

Difference (from prior major revision) (author diff)

Changed: 254c254,256
Just looking at the TargetingChallengeRM, I noticed that Lukious has the top score against FloodMini and Cigaret, both of whom react to bullet fire. This makes me believe that you are clustering on a GunHeat dimension, which I have found *does* help against the bullet dodgers, but reduces the score drastically against almost everybody else. I'd be interested on how Lukious does in the challenge (and in the rumble) without this dimension included in the gun... -- Skilgannon
Just looking at the TargetingChallengeRM, I noticed that Lukious has the top score against FloodMini and Cigaret, both of whom react to bullet fire. This makes me believe that you are clustering on a GunHeat dimension, which I have found *does* help against the bullet dodgers, but reduces the score drastically against almost everybody else. I'd be interested on how Lukious does in the challenge (and in the rumble) without this dimension included in the gun... -- Skilgannon

Another quick suggestion, this time to speed Lukious up: how about 'caching' the locations of scans in the gun, instead of re-calculating them every scan? By this I mean, for a dimension that is weighted more heavily, multiply the location by the weight when storing it instead of multiplying the distance by the weight each and every time you retrieve the scan? Even your "distance from zero gunheat" could be kept in a linear fashion, and just that would remove 5 decisions (from the Math.min calls) for every scan you processed, approximately 100,000 per firing tick by the end of the match. Cleaning up stuff like this would allow you to aim more than once per fire, and possibly even do what you do in Dookious with waiting for last tick to line up with this tick. Although adding a tree would still be best ;-) -- Skilgannon

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