Ooh, I hadn't noticed this page until now. Well, I have to say, thanks a bunch for founding the wiki PEZ! I don't think Robocoding would have been even close to half as much fun without this great knowledge-sharing and communication resource! Not only has the place here given me something fun to do, but has also given me motivation to exercise my mind with regards to topics like statistics and such fun things. Thanks a bunch PEZ! -- Rednaxela Hello PEZ. I have to thank you for founding this wiki. I'm a new Robocoder, but I'm currently coding a bot using some of the techniques on this site. I was inspired to start robocoding by a small note on your Halo 2 HaloWiki? profile page, where you said you're also intruiged by robocode. That made me just rush to google and download the client. Thank you so much, PEZ. -- Maximz2005?