[Home]History of PluggableRobot

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Revision 10 . . (edit) November 3, 2007 0:07 EST by RobertWalker [Updated listener names to match code]
Revision 9 . . September 22, 2007 4:28 EST by RobertWalker [Posted the source]
Revision 8 . . September 20, 2007 19:03 EST by RobertWalker [Almost ready to release]
Revision 4 . . May 8, 2007 5:11 EST by Voidious [comment]

Difference (from prior major revision) (minor diff, author diff)

Changed: 14c14
I'm almost ready to release it. Watch this space.

Changed: 26c26
Sure, when I release it. I'm just about ready to do so. I'm having some problems with setting up the Eclipse build so that Robocode will be able to find it when loading RabidWombat. (If you've got ideas about this, let us know on the Eclipse page!)
Sure, help yourself to the source code. I would like to be able to make this into a JAR that can just be dropped into another project, but Robocode doesn't seem to let you do this in development mode. :(

Changed: 44c44
* I define a listener interface for each of the Robocode events, and any objects which implement the interfaces and register themselves with the bot will be notified of those events. The really nice thing is that PluggableRobot gives much better control over the order in which notifications are given; listeners are notified of events in the order that they are registered, and each listener gets the events in the order that the corresponding listener interfaces are declared. So a class with a declaration like
public class MyClass implements ScannedRobotListener, DeathListener
will get notified of the ScannedRobotEvent *before* the DeathEvent?. Pretty handy. All of this happens inside a custom event test as discussed on the EventManagement page. I don't actually make the robot do anything at this stage; this is just for data collection and processing.
* I define a listener interface for each of the Robocode events, and any objects which implement the interfaces and register themselves with the bot will be notified of those events. The really nice thing is that PluggableRobot gives much better control over the order in which notifications are given; listeners are notified of events in the order that they are registered, and each listener gets the events in the order that the corresponding listener interfaces are declared. So a class with a declaration like
public class MyClass implements EventListener.ScannedRobot, EventListener.Death
will get notified of the ScannedRobotEvent *before* the DeathEvent?. Pretty handy. All of this happens inside a custom event test as discussed on the EventManagement page. I don't actually make the robot do anything at this stage; this is just for data collection and processing.

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