[Home]History of Stelokim

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Revision 52 . . (edit) September 1, 2008 12:53 EST by Stelokim [added useful links]
Revision 51 . . November 4, 2007 13:13 EST by Stelokim [exodus - No need to be in the rumble now.]
Revision 50 . . November 4, 2007 4:01 EST by Simonton [What's up?]

Difference (from prior major revision) (minor diff, author diff)

Added: 0a1,3
RoboRumble/CurrentRankings | RoboRumble/Participants

Changed: 103c106,108
Wow. What prompted the mass exodus of your bots from the rumble? -- Simonton
Wow. What prompted the mass exodus of your bots from the rumble? -- Simonton

* They were my old newbie robots. No need to be in the rumble now. And there are so many bots of mine now, too many I think. So mass exodus. :) -- Stelokim 20071104 KST

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