[Home]History of TargetingChallenge/ReferenceBots

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Revision 48 . . May 24, 2008 17:23 EST by Rednaxela [Thanks!]
Revision 47 . . May 24, 2008 14:43 EST by Skilgannon [uploaded new zip]
Revision 46 . . May 24, 2008 8:50 EST by Rednaxela [Anyone have the reference bot zip?]
Revision 45 . . October 6, 2007 19:43 EST by Simonton [Zipped with non-firing versions]

Difference (from prior major revision) (no other diffs)

Changed: 78c78,80
I'm pretty sure these are the right bots, if there's anything missing just say =) -- Skilgannon
I'm pretty sure these are the right bots, if there's anything missing just say =) -- Skilgannon

Thanks! :) -- Rednaxela

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