Just from glancing at the code, I'm guessing that it'll be faster, and I've only really tested it enough to see that it works pretty well without getting my robot shut down. I'd really appreciate feedback and maybe some test results that could help perfect and this code, and I know that it could be streamlined by little coding changes because I wrote the method nice and messy. And I didn't really do research to see if there was already something similar out there so any responses are welcome. Thanks! --Damij |
Just from glancing at the code, I'm guessing that it'll be faster, and I've only really tested it enough to see that it works pretty well without getting my robot shut down. I'd really appreciate feedback and maybe some test results that could help perfect this code, and I know that it could be streamlined by little coding changes because I wrote the method nice and messy. And I didn't really do research to see if there was already something similar out there so any responses are welcome. Thanks! --Damij |
I haven't tried it out, but if it works it should be REALLY fast. It would be nice if some of the slower True Surfers implemented this, wallsmoothing is one of the slowest parts of the precise prediction =) -- Skilgannon |