C:\robocode>java -Xmx256M -cp c:\robocode\robots;robocode.jar;roboleague.jar;codesize.jar roborumble.RoboRumbleAtHome? c:/robocode/robots/roborumble/roborumble.txt Unable to retrieve participants list java.io.FileNotFoundException?: c:\robocode\robots\roborumble\files\particip1v1.txt (The system cannot find the path specified) Battles input file not found ... Aborting java.io.FileNotFoundException?: c:\robocode\robots\roborumble\files\particip1v1.txt (The system cannot find the path specified) Participants file not found ... Aborting java.io.FileNotFoundException?: c:\robocode\robots\roborumble\files\particip1v1.txt (The system cannot find the path specified)
I was online at the time. -- Tango
There are two directories that were not included in the ZIP file because they are empty: "temp" and "files". Just create them under "roborumble" directory and it should work. -- Albert
After temp & files I got below error message. I use XP pro with java sdk 1.4.2_01. I also tested with 1.4.1 still the same mistakes. I don't use proxy but I have norton firewall. I tracked it its not the problem. SSO?
E:\java\robocode>java -Xmx256M -cp e:\java\robocode\robots;robocode.jar;roboleague.jar;codesize.jar roborumble .RoboRumbleAtHome e:/java/robocode/robots/roborumble/roborumble.txt Wrong file lenght: apv.MicroAspid_1.6.jar Could not download bot apv.MicroAspid_1.6.jar from Wrong file lenght: apv.Aspid_1.7.jar Could not download bot apv.Aspid_1.7.jar from Wrong file lenght: kawigi.f.FhqwhgadsMicro_1.0.jar Could not download bot kawigi.f.FhqwhgadsMicro_1.0.jar from Wrong file lenght: kawigi.nano.FunkyChicken_1.1.jar Could not download bot kawigi.nano.FunkyChicken_1.1.jar from Wrong file lenght: kawigi.sbf.Barracuda_1.0.jar Could not download bot kawigi.sbf.Barracuda_1.0.jar from Wrong file lenght: kawigi.sbf.FloodHT_0.8.jar Could not download bot kawigi.sbf.FloodHT_0.8.jar from Wrong file lenght: kawigi.sbf.FloodMicro_1.5.jar Could not download bot kawigi.sbf.FloodMicro_1.5.jar from Wrong file lenght: kawigi.sbf.FloodMini_1.4.jar Could not download bot kawigi.sbf.FloodMini_1.4.jar from Wrong file lenght: kawigi.sbf.FloodNano_1.2.jar Could not download bot kawigi.sbf.FloodNano_1.2.jar from Wrong file lenght: kawigi.sbf.Teancum_1.3.jar Could not download bot kawigi.sbf.Teancum_1.3.jar from Wrong file lenght: wiki.mini.Sedan_1.0.jar Could not download bot wiki.mini.Sedan_1.0.jar from Wrong file lenght: dft.Immortal_0.88.jar Could not download bot dft.Immortal_0.88.jar from
Strange. It is accessing the Wiki but it seems RobocodeRepository is refusing the request. Are you using a proxi? May be java 1.4.2 behaves different from 1.4.1? Could someone else with 1.4.2 make the test?
C:\robocode>java -Xmx256M -cp c:\robocode\robots;robocode.jar;roboleague.jar;codesize.jar roborumble.RoboRumbleAtHome c:/robocode/robots/roborumble/roborumble.txt Downloaded apv.MicroAspid 1.6 into c:/robocode/robots/apv.MicroAspid_1.6.jar Downloaded apv.Aspid 1.7 into c:/robocode/robots/apv.Aspid_1.7.jar Downloaded kawigi.f.FhqwhgadsMicro 1.0 into c:/robocode/robots/kawigi.f.FhqwhgadsMicro_1.0.jar Downloaded kawigi.nano.FunkyChicken 1.1 into c:/robocode/robots/kawigi.nano.FunkyChicken_1.1.jar Wrong file lenght: kawigi.sbf.Barracuda_1.0.jar Could not download bot kawigi.sbf.Barracuda_1.0.jar from Wrong file lenght: kawigi.sbf.FloodHT_0.8.jar Could not download bot kawigi.sbf.FloodHT_0.8.jar from Downloaded kawigi.sbf.FloodMicro 1.5 into c:/robocode/robots/kawigi.sbf.FloodMicro_1.5.jar Wrong file lenght: kawigi.sbf.FloodMini_1.4.jar Could not download bot kawigi.sbf.FloodMini_1.4.jar from Downloaded kawigi.sbf.FloodNano 1.2 into c:/robocode/robots/kawigi.sbf.FloodNano_1.2.jar Wrong file lenght: kawigi.sbf.Teancum_1.3.jar Could not download bot kawigi.sbf.Teancum_1.3.jar from Downloaded wiki.mini.Sedan 1.0 into c:/robocode/robots/wiki.mini.Sedan_1.0.jar Downloaded dft.Immortal 0.88 into c:/robocode/robots/dft.Immortal_0.88.jar Fighting... kawigi.f.FhqwhgadsMicro 1.0,dft.Immortal 0.88 Fighting... apv.Aspid 1.7,kawigi.nano.FunkyChicken 1.1 Fighting... kawigi.nano.FunkyChicken 1.1,apv.Aspid 1.7 **************** Another exception has been detected while we were handling last error. Dumping information about last error: ERROR REPORT FILE = (N/A) PC = 0x6D3C94E8 SIGNAL = -1073741819 FUNCTION NAME = (N/A) OFFSET = 0xFFFFFFFF LIBRARY NAME = (N/A) Please check ERROR REPORT FILE for further information, if there is any. Good bye.
Thanks for your help. Could you try again and see if it keeps failing on the same bots? May be the problem is from RobocodeRepository, because it is downloading some bots but not downloading some others. Was the last part ("Another exception...") of RoboRumble? I never programmed something like this. -- Albert
That last error probably is an issue with the JVM you are using. I have had some problems with RoboLeague crashing the JVM on me. -- PEZ
Things seem to work here. I'm using MacOSX which is probably best categorized as a Unix system. I created a shell script (roborumble.sh) for this and had to make some changes to the roborumble.txt file. Here's the shell script:
#!/bin/bash cd robots java -Xmx256M -cp .:../robocode.jar:../../roboleague/roboleague.jar:../../roboleague/codesize.jar roborumble.RoboRumbleAtHome roborumble/roborumble.txtNote that this changes working directory to "robots" first. I use relative paths here. Should probably work in the roborumble.bat file to if you just use semi-colons instead of colons. Here's the patched roborumble.txt file:
#RoboRumble@home properties #properties for the battle engine USER=ALBERT INPUT=roborumble/files/battles1v1.txt ROUNDS=10 FIELDL=800 FIELDH=600 OUTPUT=roborumble/files/results1v1.txt #properties to retrieve bots from internet BOTSREP=. TEMP=roborumble/temp/ #properties to retrieve participants list from internet PARTICIPANTSURL=http://robowiki.dyndns.org/?RoboRumble/Participants PARTICIPANTSFILE=roborumble/files/particip1v1.txt STARTAG=pre #properties to prepare the battles list NUMBATTLES=5I've just changed the paths to relative ones. This should work for all systems as long as roborumble was started from the "robots" directory. -- PEZ
I'll run it once more, and then i'm going to bed. I'll paste the results here whatever they are. -- Tango
Ok, it's run slightly better, ie. the last error didn't happen this time. I forgot to delete the bots it downloaded last time, so we have no way to tell if it was only failing on certain bots:
C:\robocode>java -Xmx256M -cp c:\robocode\robots;robocode.jar;roboleague.jar;codesize.jar roborumble.RoboRumbleAtHome c:/robocode/robots/roborumble/roborumble.txt Wrong file lenght: kawigi.sbf.Barracuda_1.0.jar Could not download bot kawigi.sbf.Barracuda_1.0.jar from Wrong file lenght: kawigi.sbf.FloodHT_0.8.jar Could not download bot kawigi.sbf.FloodHT_0.8.jar from Wrong file lenght: kawigi.sbf.FloodMini_1.4.jar Could not download bot kawigi.sbf.FloodMini_1.4.jar from Wrong file lenght: kawigi.sbf.Teancum_1.3.jar Could not download bot kawigi.sbf.Teancum_1.3.jar from Fighting... apv.MicroAspid 1.6,kawigi.nano.FunkyChicken 1.1 Fighting... kawigi.sbf.FloodMicro 1.5,kawigi.f.FhqwhgadsMicro 1.0 Fighting... apv.Aspid 1.7,wiki.mini.Sedan 1.0 Fighting... wiki.mini.Sedan 1.0,apv.Aspid 1.7 Fighting... wiki.mini.Sedan 1.0,apv.MicroAspid 1.6
I'll go delete them and try once more. -- Tango
It's the same bots failing each time. I'll leave you all to work out why, i'm going to bed. BTW, someone might want to make /Testing and move all this stuff over there... there's a lot of it.
C:\robocode>java -Xmx256M -cp c:\robocode\robots;robocode.jar;roboleague.jar;codesize.jar roborumble.RoboRumbleAtHome c:/robocode/robots/roborumble/roborumble.txt Downloaded apv.MicroAspid 1.6 into c:/robocode/robots/apv.MicroAspid_1.6.jar Downloaded apv.Aspid 1.7 into c:/robocode/robots/apv.Aspid_1.7.jar Downloaded kawigi.f.FhqwhgadsMicro 1.0 into c:/robocode/robots/kawigi.f.FhqwhgadsMicro_1.0.jar Downloaded kawigi.nano.FunkyChicken 1.1 into c:/robocode/robots/kawigi.nano.FunkyChicken_1.1.jar Wrong file lenght: kawigi.sbf.Barracuda_1.0.jar Could not download bot kawigi.sbf.Barracuda_1.0.jar from Wrong file lenght: kawigi.sbf.FloodHT_0.8.jar Could not download bot kawigi.sbf.FloodHT_0.8.jar from Downloaded kawigi.sbf.FloodMicro 1.5 into c:/robocode/robots/kawigi.sbf.FloodMicro_1.5.jar Wrong file lenght: kawigi.sbf.FloodMini_1.4.jar Could not download bot kawigi.sbf.FloodMini_1.4.jar from Downloaded kawigi.sbf.FloodNano 1.2 into c:/robocode/robots/kawigi.sbf.FloodNano_1.2.jar Wrong file lenght: kawigi.sbf.Teancum_1.3.jar Could not download bot kawigi.sbf.Teancum_1.3.jar from Downloaded wiki.mini.Sedan 1.0 into c:/robocode/robots/wiki.mini.Sedan_1.0.jar Downloaded dft.Immortal 0.88 into c:/robocode/robots/dft.Immortal_0.88.jar Fighting... kawigi.sbf.FloodNano 1.2,kawigi.nano.FunkyChicken 1.1 Fighting... apv.Aspid 1.7,kawigi.sbf.FloodNano 1.2 Fighting... apv.MicroAspid 1.6,kawigi.nano.FunkyChicken 1.1 Fighting... apv.MicroAspid 1.6,kawigi.nano.FunkyChicken 1.1 Fighting... kawigi.nano.FunkyChicken 1.1,apv.Aspid 1.7
Goodnight all. -- Tango