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Showing revision 13
[MicroBot 1v1 Ratings] [MicroBot 1v1 Premier League] RoboRumble/Participants

? - ?/?/? [details] [compare x.x.x]

1.0 - 9/8/2007 [details] [compare WeeklongObsession 3.2.2]

During the development of version 2.0:

Name Author DT Asp TAOW SparCig Tron Fhqw HTTC Yngw Funk Total Comment
GFMicro 1.0 Simonton GF/VCS 73.79 86.85 93.89 94.38 69.88 81.73 96.43 80.36 97.98 90.01 86.53 1 season
GFMicro 0001 author NN/GF 66.00 90.21 98.84 94.22 70.11 84.50 94.64 75.72 96.71 87.19 85.81 not looking good so far ...
GFMicro 0002 author NN/GF 75.12 91.75 98.52 96.06 78.86 86.58 97.26 83.49 97.84 90.25 89.57 better
Aristocles 0.3.7* PEZ GF 86.18 94.49 99.61 98.35 84.00 84.86 96.35 85.54 98.13 90.13 91.76 [Details]

Name Author Gun Type DT Asp TAOW SparCig Tron Fhqw HTTC Yngw Funk Total Comment
GFMicro 0003 author DC/GF 69.61 90.29 97.46 95.06 80.96 82.58 93.12 81.98 95.13 88.98 87.52 16 seasons
GFMicro 0004 Simonton DC/GF 66.85 85.67 96.19 93.19 79.27 83.26 93.64 86.06 95.03 88.42 86.76 15 seasons
Aristocles 0.3.7* PEZ GF/VCS 78.50 90.33 99.72 96.47 81.86 82.41 95.86 83.58 97.34 88.25 89.43 15 seasons

The original version history, during development:

A development bot by Simonton

500 rounds vs. Thorn Codesize
45.60% 802 WeeklongObsession's movement. Segment on lateral velocity (9 segments), last lateral velocity (9 segments), and fire power (4 segments).
50.49% 810 Keep enemy's old oribtal direction when he's standing still.
47.35% 756 No longer round the bullet power segment.
? about the same 748 Double the bullet power segments.
46.96% 754 Back to straight bullet power segment. 5 distance segments.
47.64% 762 Remove distance segments, add 1 WallDistance sement
48.77% 751 Back to rounding bullet power. 5 each lateral velocity segements.
48.18% 749 Another round just like the second entry above.
47.92% 748 Some refactoring ... just checking that I didn't break anything.
42.94% 736 Start waves back 1 tick - more exact. (And delete the duplicate radar code!)
48.70% 736 Huh ... ok ... start waves FORWARD 1 tick. Just to see what happens.
50.57% 734 1/2 tick forward??
51.52% 763 2 WallDistance segments, .6 & .5 radians forward (oops)
47.00% 764 2 WallDistance segments, .5 radians forward & backward
51.27% 764 2 WallDistance segments, 1/3 radian forward & backward
50.94% 764 2 WallDistance segments, 1/4 radian forward & backward
46.56% 748 1 WallDistance segment, 1/3 radian forward
49.67% 772 No WallDistance. Aristocles' "timeSinceDecel?" segment
47.05% 762 Remove "last lateral velocity" segment
46.10% 723 Remove timeSinceDecel? segment
bad% 733 Put back lastLateralVelocity segment, reduce GF_ONE to 18 (from 28)
47.97% 733 GF_ONE -> 38
51.02% 750 1 WallDistance segment, 1/2 radian forward
51.43% 750 Max attack angle from 60->45
53.38% 750 Max retreat angle 55->45

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Edited September 12, 2007 1:10 EST by Simonton (diff)