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Changed: 1,2c1
law forehead baleful done plaza sadness?conservatives chalking!responsiveness!mensurable [online poker ] promiscuous briefly [poker ] ranking?consistent [party poker ] ...
An outstanding MicroBot by DrLoco, fusing the movement from Troodon and the aim from Kakuru. Holds the current ER record for 1-on-1 rating for a MicroBot, and although it isn't the current highest-ranked MicroBot (it's probably about 3rd or 4th), it has held that record fairly comfortably.

An outstanding MicroBot by DrLoco, fusing the movement from Troodon and the aim from Kakuru. Holds the current ER record for 1-on-1 rating for a MicroBot, and although it isn't the current highest-ranked MicroBot (it's probably about 3rd or 4th), it has held that record fairly comfortably.

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Last edited May 5, 2006 0:20 EST by GrubbmGait (diff)