Ok, looks like that segmented pattern matcher was worth a few points.
Revert to 0.3.3
LifelongObsession dynamically adjusts the weight of each movement on the fly.
beta 0.3.4
1v1 - Rating: 1993 (25th), PL pulled
I was accidentally running a segmented pattern matcher all this time. And I don't think that should be as good as a straight one, like WeeksOnEnd.
beta 0.3.3
1v1 - Rating: 1999 (25th), PL pulled
Worked the "missing feature" mentioned in 0.3.1 into the overhauled movement (now when a bullet is found enemy waves that are already in the air are updated).
beta 0.3.2
1v1 - Rating: 1999 (25th), PL pulled
Good, 0.3.1 was doing much worse than 0.3.0.
Revert to 0.3.0.
Simple targeting avoidance is given a higher weight (.75).
beta 0.3.1
1v1 - Rating: pulled
This version takes all the new movements out & just tests how much the buggyness & the lacking feature was affecting 0.3.0's result. Hmm ... 0.2.1 also was running at least some on a Robocode 1.1.5 client, which affected its score. Darn, too many variables to control.
beta 0.3.0
1v1 - Rating: 2000 (24), PL pulled
1/2 way complete overhaul of the movement system. It now combines the same WaveSurfing with AntiPatternMatching, anti-head-on-targeting, anti-linear-targeting-when-the-bot-shoots-within-the-walls, and anti-circular-targeting-when-the-bot-shoots-within-the-walls, with varying weights.
beta 0.2.1
1v1 - Rating: 2020 (19th), PL 494/0/17 (19th)
Looks like that fold was worth a couple points. I guess the score diff between this an WeeksOnEnd is due to other lurking bugs, or that running only on my machine was better for WeeksOnEnd for some reason (which I don't like, nor anyone else).
Revert to 0.1.5
Tweak to firepower management: much sooner & slower powering-down when getting low on energy, forget powering down when opponent is low on energy (this is something I can do in WeeksOnEnd for less codesize).
beta 0.0.2 (in rumble as 0.2)
1v1 - Rating: 2014 (22nd), PL 493/0/14 (16th)
I am very surprised that folding the PM in half again (see version 0.1) didn't help my ratings. This is a revert back to the WeeksOnEnd style. It should be almost exactly functionally equivalent, except for execution speed optimizations. We'll see what happens.
beta 0.1.5
Bugfix: uhhh .... let's try that last bugfix again.
beta 0.1.4
Bugfix: hopefully fixed an ArrayIndexOutOfBounds? exception at start of round, when bots are up close & I'm not yet perpendicular (where GF like 3 is possible).
beta 0.1.3
Bugfix: the movement conduit didn't reset "turnRemaining", so the distancing and precise prediction was slightly messed up.
Bugfix: one of the execution speed enhancements didn't work (fixed).
beta 0.1.2
1v1 - Rating: 2017 (22nd), PL 493/0/14 (16th)
Bugfix: removed the use of Rules.* methods for rumble compatability.
beta 0.1
This is functionally equivalent to WeeksOnEnd, except for 1 gun improvement: it folds the pattern matcher in half again. It matches all these equivalently: enemy running clockwise forward, clockwise backward, counter-clockwise forward, counter-clockwise backward.