For the various bot names:
I thought it would be cute to name them after various moons ;-)
Well then... it isn't faring quite so well on the field and I think I know why. In my earlier tests, I was using the default 800x600 field when the team RR uses a 1200x1200 field. It seems like the larger field causes Polylunar some very serious problems. The main issues seem to be:
--- Larger distances to travel mean that Polylunar is in a vulnerable situation for significantly longer and that chasing based on an enemy's current location becomes increasingly inefficient.
--- The AntiGravityMovement that's currently in use for unpaired robots often tends to cause the bot to end up moving along right against the walls. In the large field this means that it takes far too long to get into the action if it becomes required for a pairing.
--- At these larger distances, linear targeting with nothing preventing firing out of bounds is far less effective.
--- In the larger fields, the other bots tend not to be cornered so much
--- Only firing 3.0 power bullets is probably more of a problem on the larger field size.
This is a little disappointing. Hopefully I'll manage to get these problems solved...
-- Rednaxela
Well, despite the setback due to the larger field, Polylunar is not dead in the water. I've been using Valkiries as a TestBed and have made some notable improvements that I think would hold true against most if not all bots. Here's a pretty graph of the incremental improvements I've been making:
I'm too tired to write about what changes I made in each increment right now, but in each revision, I did make an improvement which is uplifting (as opposed to changes in RougeDC more often than not degrading performance). Between the first (red) and last (orange) the difference is certainly notable. I think I'll make a 1.1 release soon based on the improvements, but first I want to get the missing battles in the rumble filled in. -- Rednaxela
Oooh... version 1.3 is sitting at the top of the [PremierLeague]... ;-) -- Rednaxela
Congratulations! I'm also working in a new team. Enjambre is only a proof of concept but the new one is intended to be another ProblemBot for the TeamRumble? :P