How do you end the tick with extends Robot? --Starrynte |
How do you end the tick with extends Robot? --Starrynte lol. Have you ever written an ExtendsRobot? The basic idea with a Robot is that you don't have "setXXX" calls, so every movement call is blocking. Calling "ahead(x);" is the same as calling "setAhead(x);while (getDistanceRemaining?() != 0)execute();" and calling "fire(x);" is the same as calling "setFire(x);execute();". That makes it so that you can move at the same time as you turn, or turn your radar at the same time as you move, or even fire at the same time as you do anything else, with the exception that you can do things concurrently if you do some of them in an event handler (for instance, if you get a scan while you're moving, you could turn your gun and shoot in onScannedRobt?, but you'd still be moving, presumably from your run method). -- Kawigi |
(I guess it's about time this bot had a page...)
1.1 - Now has a one-on-one movement and radar. Made to beat Krazy 1.4. Back to the drawing board, Alcatraz! (that was my remark at the time, anyways) Looks like this version was on top for 6 months, but only 3 tournaments happened in this time (what? Robots are fun!)
1.2 - It's been awhile, and Alcatraz didn't tell me he started beating Girl again. I improved the accuracy of the gun a bit and tweaked the one-on-one movement. This should give me back the ExtendsRobot crown! Currently on the longest winning streak in ERC history, winning 4 straight tournaments (and it plans on winning the next, probably giving it the all-time highest 1-on-1 "career score" (for lack of a better name), or at least tying for it).
In the ExtendsRobotCompetition, it has won every melee/skirmish battle that's been run, often by some margin. This isn't surprising, really, since it's based on Coriantumr's movement (and gun). Various versions of Girl have also won more than half of the 1-on-1 tournaments (but Krazy typically comes out with a version to annoy me periodically).
In melee, it tries more to avoid getting fired at, but if there is someone it thinks is firing at it, it moves more-or-less perpendicularly to that bot.
If you watch Girl closely (and in slow motion), you'll notice she spins her radar between motions (in one-on-one, I think the radar management is a little bit smarter, too). Also, when she turns or moves, sometimes she picks up a free scan :-) The reason the targeting still works alright is because of something I've done for a long time, which is linear interpolation of missed scans in my waves (which is an especially good estimation against ExtendsRobots. -- Kawigi
How do you end the tick with extends Robot? --Starrynte
lol. Have you ever written an ExtendsRobot? The basic idea with a Robot is that you don't have "setXXX" calls, so every movement call is blocking. Calling "ahead(x);" is the same as calling "setAhead(x);while (getDistanceRemaining?() != 0)execute();" and calling "fire(x);" is the same as calling "setFire(x);execute();". That makes it so that you can move at the same time as you turn, or turn your radar at the same time as you move, or even fire at the same time as you do anything else, with the exception that you can do things concurrently if you do some of them in an event handler (for instance, if you get a scan while you're moving, you could turn your gun and shoot in onScannedRobt?, but you'd still be moving, presumably from your run method). -- Kawigi