Could 80 tanks on a battlefield fit into any reasonable amount of RAM? Doesn't seem like it, but somebody else probably knows better than I. -- Voidious
I tried it before posting and it wasn't that bad. It went pretty slow for the beginning, but the whole round was over in less than 5 minutes. --Bayen
I tried it too, its possible! And it seems to be funny :) I would prefer a 5000x5000 Battlefield, but weŽll need a zoom function...
Ha... in that case, I may be up for writing a team (of teams) at some point, but right now I'm a bit obsessed with Dookious :) And I think 2000x2000 is kinda small for 80 bots, too, but I'm sure a lot of them are wiped out quickly anyway. I'll definitely watch some battles if two people make teams here. I still think RAM could be an issue depending on the bots, though, and you may need to put some kind of limit on storing data. You could even require all PerceptualBots. Good luck! -- Voidious