Similar to Horizon
/Questions - this is just to filter out the help from 'comments/feedback/questions'.
Anyways - right now I have this 'check' when Evader does its WallSmoothing, put simply it just makes sure it isn't wallsmoothing too much, and if it's within a certain angle borderline towards the enemy it stops wallsmoothing. My question is how much should that angle be and whether i should even use this. (im asking this for the wavesurfingchallenge mostly...) --Starrynte
- I have tried this and generally unless your doing something special (ergo, smoothing away from an opponent like Dookious does) instead of just smoothing along a wall, its causes more problems then it solves. Smoothing to much isn't as bad as smoothing to little (and running into a wall) --Chase-san
- I guess I don't really understand. Oh, wait, I think you're talking about DiveProtection! Yes, this is a VERY good idea. If that's what you mean ... If that's not what you mean, please explain. -- Simonton