* /Code? * /Links? |
* Yeah, that's cool, thanks. I actually remember seeing that one in the API. I looked through it... so if two robots are moving in the same direction (and both forward), but the one in front is moving more slowly, and the one behind hits it, is that counted as a ram for both of them? --BenHorner ** Yip! Otherwise my bots wouldn't get any ram damage against those pesky rambots! =) -- Skilgannon **It looks to me like the rammer will take 0.6 damage and the rammed will take 1.8 (0.6 + 1.2 bonus). So the rammer delivers 3x the damage, but still takes damage. If two bots ram each other head on each will take 2.4 damage per tick from the two ram events. -- Martin (I have not tested this .. just inferring from the Rules class above) This is from the [[Robocode FAQ]]:
I don't know why I was considering to be a better source of information than the javadoc comments... Just because I read it before I knew the javadocs existed I guess. =) Now I will have to test it to find out which is right! --BenHorner *And I think the FAQ is right. A non-moving, non-firing bot and a non-firing rambot go down on energy at the same rate. The only thing is that the rammer gets the scoring bonus and used to win the battle (as source of the ramdamage, until the latest robocode version). No test done though, just digged in my memory how the behaviour of GrubbmThree and opponents was during its development. -- GrubbmGait Ok, I just did a test, I rammed SittingDuck to death with Interactive before the countdown started... Interactive was disabled at the end (both received 0.6 damage per ram) and it scored 290. |Category|Score| |Total Score |290 | |Survival |50 | |Surv Bonus |10 | |Bullet Dmg |0 | |Bullet Bonus|0 | |Ram Dmg * 2 |200 | |Ram Bonus |30 | I'm thinking the non survival score 230 = 290 - 50 - 10 comes from: 30% bonus for the 100 actual damage done, and then 2 score points for each point of damage. So ram damage is the same for rammer and rammee, and Read carefully, per ram you get 0.6 damage and 1.2 scoring 'bonus'. That is a factor 2. Totally you ram 100 damage and thus get a 200 scoring points. -- GrubbmGait Cool, thanks, a little bad math on my part. In fact, I think I'll edit it out right now so it doesn't confuse anyone else. --BenHorner |