[Home]History of CoreWars

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Revision 13 . . March 28, 2004 19:03 EST by ravnsbjerg.bnaa.dk
Revision 12 . . (edit) March 16, 2004 2:06 EST by Paul Ingemi

Difference (from prior major revision) (no other diffs)

Changed: 25c25,27
I don't know what corewars2 is but the official version for rec.games.corewars is pMARS. Check out http://www.koth.org/ -- Paul Ingemi
I don't know what corewars2 is but the official version for rec.games.corewars is pMARS. Check out http://www.koth.org/ -- Paul Ingemi

Yes, I've played around somw with Core Wars too, i even have a bunch of my old conceptual notes about warriors I'd like to code, but I never found the game rewarding enough to bother. Imagine having to consider that someone might overwrite *some* part of your bot with an endless loop or a new DeathEvent?() or something. -- Scarpia

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