[Home]History of Fnl

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Revision 31 . . (edit) December 6, 2007 0:04 EST by Fnl
Revision 30 . . December 4, 2007 2:02 EST by Voidious [saving partial changes]
Revision 29 . . December 4, 2007 1:58 EST by AaronR [There are actually other buttons than "Save", you know...]
Revision 28 . . (edit) December 3, 2007 21:40 EST by Fnl
Revision 27 . . December 3, 2007 21:38 EST by Fnl
Revision 26 . . December 3, 2007 4:23 EST by Starrynte [you made 314 CONTRIBUTIONS to the new wiki?!]
Revision 25 . . July 29, 2007 14:24 EST by Fnl

Difference (from prior major revision) (minor diff, author diff)

Added: 48a49,50
* Doesn't help if your machine crashes, though... =) -- Voidious
* Or constantly click the wrong buttons so that the web-page vanishes with all the work you did. That happened 5 times for the new Wiki, so that is why I'm saving all the time! Alternatively, I work with the text using a ordinary text editor, where I constantly save the text (press CTRL-S) on my local machine, and then copy'n'paste to the preview box on the wiki, when I want to see how it looks. This is also cool for running a spell-checker on the text first. ;-) --Fnl

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