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Revision 7 . . (edit) December 28, 2007 18:26 EST by CharlieN
Revision 6 . . December 28, 2007 18:24 EST by CharlieN [My stupid typo]
Revision 5 . . December 28, 2007 18:11 EST by Skilgannon [musashi trick]
Revision 4 . . (edit) December 8, 2007 17:54 EST by CharlieN
Revision 3 . . (edit) December 7, 2007 12:13 EST by CharlieN
Revision 2 . . December 7, 2007 12:08 EST by CharlieN [Dead page turned to a new use.]
Revision 1 . . March 24, 2004 16:28 EST by PEZ

Difference (from prior major revision) (minor diff)

Changed: 17c17
About rating 1500, tends to do either really good or really bad.
About rating 1675.

Changed: 20c20,21
Moves a semi-randomly perpendicular to it's opponent
Moves semi-randomly perpendicular to it's opponent

Changed: 25c26
Changes direction each time they fire, which fails miserably if they fire frequently and have head on aiming.
It doesn't any more.

Changed: 44c45
Get some decent WallSmoothing working, and maybe add a GuessFactor gun.
Add a GuessFactor gun.

Changed: 55c56,57
Just to let you know, the MusashiTrick doesn't help against GuessFactor guns, but HeadOn? guns. And it shouldn't be used as a primary movement type, because better guns will pick it apart like tissue paper. Another useful movement type is StopAndGo, because it doesn't only fool HeadOnTargeting, but also LinearTargeting and CircularTargeting. -- Skilgannon
Just to let you know, the MusashiTrick doesn't help against GuessFactor guns, but HeadOn? guns. And it shouldn't be used as a primary movement type, because better guns will pick it apart like tissue paper. Another useful movement type is StopAndGo, because it doesn't only fool HeadOnTargeting, but also LinearTargeting and CircularTargeting. -- Skilgannon
*Should be Head On, another stupid typo on my part. And no, it's not the primary movement type, although it is teasted and periodically retried, which helped a little in testing with a couple of better guns -- CharlieN

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