[Home]History of UbaRamLT

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Revision 6 . . (edit) February 20, 2006 22:05 EST by Bayen
Revision 4 . . (edit) February 20, 2006 17:30 EST by Bayen
Revision 3 . . February 20, 2006 14:45 EST by GrubbmGait [first tip]

Difference (from prior major revision) (minor diff, author diff)

Changed: 74c74
if(e.getDistance() < 200)
//if(e.getDistance() < 200)

Added: 91a92
Okay, improvement made! It really helped, so thanks. I just used the code in BackAsFront. Plus, it killed Dookious in a 10 round match (which doesn't mean much b/c it's only 10 rounds, but it means I'm improving!) --Bayen

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