: How could anyone not have fun programming? Glad to see someone coming back :-). --[Zyx]] |
: How could anyone not have fun programming? Glad to see someone coming back :-). --Zyx |
I'm Chase-san I am a 20 year old, computer science college student.
I have programmed C, C++, C#, php, javascript, visual basic and perl for many years before finding robocode. I now however am addicted to java.
Check out my /Free Code section for code you can use for free.
If you want to see my actual code you can goto my site: [Code Repository].
A PatternMatching robot by me is /PatternBot
My current development project is /Prototype
Development Bots: Bots of mine that are still in development.
My Bots: Bots that are as done as they are gonna get.
Wiki bots: Bots I made and put into the wiki package.
Retired Robots: Bots that are no longer competing.
Unreleased Robots: AiayJabitW, Dodger, AiayHaiku, Gravitron, DigitalSea (NN bot), LastStand, FirstSurfer, MRMB, SuperSurfer, SurferX, Blackjack, Blackjack 2, Blackjack 3, Linker, Merge, Grudge, Ann, Reversal, DemonBot, EvilDroid (a droid based bot), EvilDrone (hackbot) and Dijzerna.
Also you can access my code for almost all my robot projects from my site here: [Code Repository]
I will more of my older code to it as time goes on, such as MirrorMaster, Beowulf, Tyrra, and so on as I locate thier code. Its not a SVN its just it all dumped into one place. s2 is what I had done for Seraphim 2, koho is prototype, kt is a unfinished bot called Bel, pm is my really annoying pattern matcher Pytko, also Pytko code might be broken because I think at one point I tryed to add a kd-tree (so it could use its range search function and easilly get everything within range, see I sometimes have original ideas). na and dev compose Seraphim 1, kd2 I think is a kd tree I started on but never finished. Other projects are other stuff I have worked on, mostly when I was bored. Have fun.
Ja well, I have been gone for awhile, but I guess I will try and program a robot. From scratch of course, gone are my days of using other robots for references and such. Even for simple things like advancing and linear motion and such. I think I have come to a point where I would really rather understand it then just make something that works well. I have no idea what I plan to make but my mind has considered some fairly interesting things like a half a turn (or 1/3 or 1/4, 1/8, etc) updating self organizing map based neural network solution, if I want to get complicated, otherwise just some kind of log based system. I have no idea at this time but, it doesn't really matter for me, just want to have some fun programming it. --Chase