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RoboRumble Gun Challenge results (2006-07-9)
| Name | Gun author | Rating | Date | Remarks
|BeeRRGC WT |PEZ/Vic | 1904 | | Out of date
|DookiSaberRRGC |Voidious | 1884 | 20060529 | Only outranks AscendantRRGC because of rating drifts, I think...
|AscendantRRGC |Mue | 1882 | 20060414
|ShadowRRGC |ABC | 1880 | | Out of date
|RaikoRRGC |Jamougha | 1878 | | Out of date
|BeeRRGC (no VG stats saving) |PEZ | 1873 | 20060412
|ShivaRRGC |deathcon | 1869 | | Out of date
|Locke |Vic | 1868 | | Out of date
|Toad/RRGC |Florent | 1868 | 20051108|
|WaveSerpent/RRGC |Kev | 1859 | 20060609 |+36 from Quest
|Pear |iiley/Xiemin| 1858 | | Out of date
|PhoenixRRGC 0.23 |David Alves | 1849 | | Out of date
|PowerHouseRRGC? 1.0 |wcsv | 1849 | 20060506 |+27 from Quest
|Aristocles/RRGC |PEZ | 1833 | |+9 from Quest
|WodanRRGC |Loki | 1829 |
|DHRRGC |jim | 1819 |
|ForceMajeureRRGC 0.695 |DemetriX | 1782 | 20060709 |-41 from Quest
|GrubbmGrbRRGC 1.07 |GrubbmGait | 1772 | 20060410 |-51 from Quest
|ResinRRGC |PEZ | 1724 |

RoboRumble Gun Challenge results (2006-07-9)
Name Gun author Rating Date Remarks
BeeRRGC WT PEZ/Vic 1904 Out of date
DookiSaberRRGC Voidious 1884 20060529 Only outranks AscendantRRGC because of rating drifts, I think...
AscendantRRGC Mue 1882 20060414
ShadowRRGC ABC 1880 Out of date
RaikoRRGC Jamougha 1878 Out of date
BeeRRGC (no VG stats saving) PEZ 1873 20060412
ShivaRRGC deathcon 1869 Out of date
Locke Vic 1868 Out of date
Toad/RRGC Florent 1868 20051108
WaveSerpent/RRGC Kev 1859 20060609 +36 from Quest
Pear iiley/Xiemin 1858 Out of date
PhoenixRRGC 0.23David Alves 1849 Out of date
PowerHouseRRGC? 1.0 wcsv 1849 20060506 +27 from Quest
Aristocles/RRGC PEZ 1833 +9 from Quest
WodanRRGC Loki 1829
DHRRGC jim 1819
ForceMajeureRRGC 0.695 DemetriX 1782 20060709 -41 from Quest
GrubbmGrbRRGC 1.07 GrubbmGait 1772 20060410 -51 from Quest
ResinRRGC PEZ 1724

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Last edited July 11, 2006 11:45 EST by DemetriX (diff)