After a long absense, I am back and ready to work on new bots. I'm surprised by ChumbaWumba and ChumbaMini? bots are both still above the 200 mark... at 150 and 155 respectively.
Check back here soon to see what I've come up with :-p
My name is Aaron Krill. I found out about Robocode from mein father, on Sunday June 19th, 2005. I posted my first bot (JointStrike) on the Robocode Repository on Monday, June 20th. Yay
My deprecated bots:
Welcome! You are from germany arenīt you? Im german (too). If you need help just ask me :) --Krabb
Hehe, thanks. No, i'm not from germany, however my family is. My great grandparents on my mother's side immigrated to the US in the early 20th century. --AaronKrill
Oh, i thought so, because you wrote "from mein father" :) --Krabb
Ya... its a habit. My dad speaks german around the house, alot more than english, even thought english is his native language. Heh. -- AaronKrill
Word about submitting bots into the rumble: You are supposed to put all bot's into your own common root package. I mean something like aaron.superstriker.SuperStriker? and aaron.advancedstrike.AdvancedStrike instead of just superstriker.SuperStriker? and advancedstrike.AdvancedStrike... --lRem