In RoboRumble these days, having 0 losses is not common because the number of strong bots makes it unlikely you'll beat all of them. Also, being "Undefeated" does not make you "TheBestBot" necessarily ;-)
Nice page. =) Might be cool to make this a table with links to screenshots. Also, I think WeeksOnEnd was once undefeated in MiniBots, and Komarious might've been, too, but I can't remember for sure. -- Voidious
Adding MarioBros and GeminiTeam for TwinDuel, as I know they each had a period of being unbeatable. Both LuminariousDuo and LunarTwins might've had similar stretches, but I need to look into it and see if they were really "undefeated" during those stretches. -- Voidious