[Home]RoboRumble/Rankings minimeleerumble 20040915

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LAST UPDATE: Wed Sep 15 23:00:01 CEST 2004

1 rz.GlowBlowMelee 1.4 1711.87 10241
2 kawigi.mini.Coriantumr 1.1 1691.90 6509
3 cx.mini.Nimrod 0.55 1680.52 13409
4 wiki.CoriantumrWithDMMGun 1.02 1667.93 7332
5 rz.HawkOnFire 0.1 1663.81 14620
6 kawigi.micro.Shiz 1.0 1652.01 8614
7 davidalves.net.DuelistMiniMelee 1.2 1649.37 12648
8 myl.micro.Troodon 1.10 1642.40 14657
9 mz.AntiGrav? 1.0 1631.44 5672
10 kawigi.nano.Lib 1.0 1630.05 7359
11 radnor.DoctorBob 1.42 1629.49 5704
12 dummy.mini.Scimitar 1.01 1621.41 13137
13 dummy.micro.Sparrow 2.5 1620.77 11237
14 mz.MicroGodMelee? 1 1617.76 8059
15 mld.Infinity 2.1 1605.13 15099
16 myl.nano.Graviton 1.10 1596.46 12752
17 pe.minimelee.SandboxMiniMelee 1.1 1596.38 4415
18 davidalves.net.DuelistMicroMelee 1.4 1594.64 14402
19 wee.Gem 1.8.4 1592.59 14218
20 myl.nano.KomoriNinja? 1.1 1579.68 6277
21 mz.NanoGod? 2.02 1578.13 6500
22 davidalves.net.DuelistNanoMelee 1.01 1577.37 15493
23 ahf.NanoAndrew .4 1569.60 9061
24 mld.DustBunny 2.0 1567.50 15249
25 ratosh.Nobo? 0.21 1557.36 15665
26 m3thos.Eva00? 1.0 1537.58 706
27 m3thos.Eva01? 0.5.2 1536.43 626
28 timmit.nano.TimDog? 0.33 1535.68 10997
29 fm.claire 1.7 1532.28 5118
30 arthord.NanoSatanMelee Alpha 1530.51 6788
31 bvh.mini.Fenrir 0.39 1518.69 2742
32 amz.NanoClone? 1.41 1512.93 10100
33 fm.mammillarias 1.3 1511.14 5354
34 kawigi.mini.Fhqwhgads 1.1 1504.28 13635
35 ratosh.Wesco? 1.4 1504.11 13000
36 stf.PanzerGeneral? 0.1 1501.19 4429
37 caimano.Furia? Ceca_0.22 1499.73 9932
38 dsw.StaticD? 1.0 1453.09 7411
39 sample.Walls 1.0 1450.20 1791
40 sample.SpinBot 1.0 1434.91 1714
41 wit.Deep7? 2.0 1427.49 3858
42 sample.Crazy 1.0 1413.92 1906
43 wiki.nano.RaikoNano 1.0 1366.81 10795
44 goblin.Bender? 2.4 1353.08 9367
45 sample.Corners 1.0 1349.18 1498
46 sample.MyFirstRobot 1.0 1347.71 1712
47 arthord.MannyPacquiao Beta 1318.50 3629
48 sample.Fire 1.0 1282.27 1492
49 sample.Tracker 1.0 1263.27 1546
50 sample.RamFire 1.0 1241.23 1800
51 sample.Target 1.0 1215.29 1563
52 sample.TrackFire 1.0 1192.91 1715
53 sample.SittingDuck 1.0 1011.71 1689

Total battles fought: 202621

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Last edited September 15, 2004 23:00 EST by ABC (diff)