You can try to use Spark or CigaretBH to try,some times you will see three bullets hit the enemy at the same time,it is beautiful. but...some times one of my bullet will hit my another bullet,so...west two bullets.:(
This is a great idea. The question I would ask is: does it pay? I mean, do you hit often enough with a big enough bullet to make it better than firing a power 3 bullet with whatever hit percent your gun has? --tobe
Againt some bot it does pay.But ordinarily it does not,as Ash get 4# but Spark get 9# in ER.So,CigaretBH choose the better strategy with a certain did better than Cigaret.(CigaretBH is a bot just added a ChaseBullets strategy on Cigaret).
Did i get the point of the "pay"? -- iiley
No, TriggerBullets sounds more like AngularTargeting/Factored and AveragedBearingOffsetTargeting. The thing with ChaseBullets is that the second bullet has a velocity that will make it arrive at the target at the same time as the first, full-power, bullet. It's designed to collect hits agains bullet dodgers. It's more like Marshmallow/CowboyGuns but done the right way. -- PEZ
Correct. But back to the draing board on wverything else.