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Showing revision 1
To collaborate with RR@H

If you entered a bot into the competition, you could consider to collaborate running the competition by using your computer to execute battles and upload results (similar to Seti@home project). The process is fully automated, so there is no pain on doing it.

NOTE: With Robocode versions 1.4 and up, the steps below are not necessary any more, as it should work right 'out-of-the-box'. Just the grabbing of a reasonable up-to-date set of bots is recommended, so there is no need to access the RobocodeRepository for > 500 bots.

NOTE: The steps below are valid for Robocode version 1.0.6 up to 1.1.3. It is strongly advised not to use newer versions of Robocode for RR@Home (yet). As soon as a successfully tested newer version is available, this page will be updated.

  1. Download the latest version of the client from http://www.geocities.com/albert_pv/RoboRumbeAtHome.html (or http://pezius.com/albert_pv/RoboRumbeAtHome.html)
  2. Install it by unzipping it into c:\ (if robocode is installed in the root directory c:\robocode) or into the directory c:\directory where Robocode is installed (c:\directory\robocode).
  3. Please read the /TemporaryServerUp page, otherwise the rankings will be messed up!
  4. Edit "roborumble.txt" file and change the USER to your nick.
  5. Edit "roborumble.bat" file to contain "java -Dsun.io.useCanonCaches=false -Xmx256M etc." to enable reading from/writing to disk.
  6. Download Christian Schnell's codesize utility from http://user.cs.tu-berlin.de/~lulli/codesize/
  7. Just put the codesize.jar in the .\robocode directory. Now you're able to run battles (and upload results) for every WeightClass.
  8. Start the client using roborumble.bat or roborumble.sh (depending on the OS).
  9. Run it as much time as you can. The more you run it, the more you contribute. It is fully automated, so you don't have to care at all.
  10. If you find problems, refer to RoboRumble related pages, or post your issue and we will try to solve it.
  11. If you feel comfortable with java/programs install, consider replicating robocode into a different folder and then installing RoboRumble@home in the new directory. It will avoid unexpected strange interactions between your development environment and the "productive" environment.
  12. If you want to run the client using a GUI interface, you can download an add-on from http://www.geocities.com/kuuranca/guidownload.html.

To get a reasonably up-to-date set of robots for the rumble to start with, grab the following zip file and move the 300 jars inside it to your rr@H robots directory: And get the 180 updates since 20041017: The 70 updates till 20061220: The 122 updates till 20070929:

Anyone with a reasonably stable connection to the net and some bandwidth to spare, please mirror that file and add the URL to the list.

-- PEZ

Ive collected them all together, and added the bundle Krabb posted. I can host them on best efforts, but it's only around 40k upstream. And it definitley wont be there if Im playing Battlefield ;P - updated 6/07


If anyone can actually roll up a definitive (or as close as upto the current date) collection of bots into a bundle, I'll glady host that best-effforts.

-- YellowAlienBaby

I forgot how to set a proxy to RoboRumble, i have a proxy then i can visit robowiki very fast, but when i start RoboRumble Client, it cannot use that proxy, i can hardly download the participants list. Do some one know that please tell me, Thanx very much.;[ -- iiley

..\java -DproxySet=true -DproxyHost=xx.xx.xx.xx -DproxyPort=yyy  -cp etc. 
succes --Loki

Thank you very much, Loki, you are my Christ! ;] -- iiley

Summary: RR@home - Firewall / Proxy problem

Hi, I'm trying zu run RR@work :) but I'm not able to overcome the port redirection. Is there a chance to connect to "http://rumble.pulsaronline.com/..." without the redirection to 8080 ?? Any hints or suggestion are welcome! Is there a chance to participate without an direct online connection, maybe like Up/Down? loads manually ??

  --  bjd

Well funny you'r talking about this. I have the same situation here. I got a proxy that requests a username/password for external connections. I don't have a clue how to get passed it. (well i do but that doesn't function ;-) ). normally you could use proxyname=username:password@proxyname but that does not work somehow <enhancement :> I got the following output from the prompt

--start screen dump--

D:\roborumble\robocode\robots>java -DproxySet=true -DproxyHost="<deleted username>:<deleted password>@<deleted proxy ip address" -DproxyPort=8080 -cp .;../robocode.jar;../codesize.jar; roborumble.RoboRumbleAtHome ./roborumble/roborumble.txt
Iteration number 0
Downloading participants list ...
Unable to retrieve participants list
java.net.ConnectException: Connection timed out: connect
Downloading missing bots ...
Participants file not found ... Aborting
java.io.FileNotFoundException: .\roborumble\files\particip1v1.txt (The system cannot find the file specified)
Battles input file not found ... Aborting
java.io.FileNotFoundException: .\roborumble\files\particip1v1.txt (The system cannot find the file specified)
Downloading rating files ...
Unable to ratings for roborumble
java.net.ConnectException: Connection timed out: connect
Unable to ratings for minirumble
java.net.ConnectException: Connection timed out: connect
Unable to ratings for microrumble
java.net.ConnectException: Connection timed out: connect
Unable to ratings for nanorumble
java.net.ConnectException: Connection timed out: connect
Preparing battles list ... Using smart battles is false
Participants file not found ... Aborting
java.io.FileNotFoundException: .\roborumble\files\particip1v1.txt (The system cannot find the file specified)
Uloading results ...
Can't open result file for upload
Updating number of battles fought ...
Can't open # battles file ... Aborting # battles update
--end of dump--


No progress yet on the port issue that some are having with port 8080 I'm afraid. It is in the works though. -- Pulsar

Update on the port issue: No date set yet but it is now at least planned for that server to be reinstalled and in that process the port will be changed to port 80 (default web). -- Pulsar

Should that numbered list up there include that the .bat file should contain the "usesCanonCaches" option? I'm pretty new to Robocode, and I just found out about this option on the [JRE_1.4.2_SecurityException_Bug] page today, but it's basically dumb luck I found this info before running more than a handful of RR@Home matches... The example roborumble.bat given there is:

cd robots
java -Dsun.io.useCanonCaches=false -Xmx256M -cp .;../robocode.jar;../codesize.jar; roborumble.RoboRumbleAtHome ./roborumble/roborumble.txt
goto run
-- Voidious

List adapted, thanks for the notice. (but it is allowed to change it yourself too) --GrubbmGait

I can't run RR@home at the office (although i was able to run it up to four months ago). I have no problems with our proxy server as i can download the missing bots. I get the following messages:
Iteration number 0
Downloading participants list ...
Downloading missing bots ...
Downloading ...bvh.fry.Freya 0.44
Downloaded bvh.fry.Freya 0.44 into ./bvh.fry.Freya_0.44.jar
Downloading ...kinsen.CircleAvoider 1.0
Unable to download kinsen.CircleAvoider 1.0 from site.
Could not download bot kinsen.CircleAvoider_1.0.jar
Downloading ...pedersen.Ugluk 0.4.4
Downloaded pedersen.Ugluk 0.4.4 into ./pedersen.Ugluk_0.4.4.jar
Ignoring kinsen.CircleAvoider_1.0.jar: .\kinsen.CircleAvoider_1.0.jar (The syste
m cannot find the file specified)
Ignoring kinsen.CircleAvoider_1.0.jar: .\kinsen.CircleAvoider_1.0.jar (The syste
m cannot find the file specified)
Battles input file not found ... Aborting java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException?: String index out of range: -1
Downloading rating files ...
Unable to ratings for meleerumble
Server returned HTTP response code: 504
 for URL: http://rum
Unable to ratings for minimeleerumble
java.io.IOException: Server returned HTTP response code: 504 for URL: http://rum
does anyone recognises the "Battles input file not found" message? And is the HTTP-error 504 caused because the address of the "http://rumble.pulsaronline.com" is changed? thanks --Loki

The HTTP-error is indeed caused by you using the old adress, please fix it. I have run the meleerumble last weekend and I also got the "Battles input file not found" message, but everything went fine including priority battles. --GrubbmGait

I've was running both Roborumble and Meleerumble last night without major problems. I would occasionally get thread exceptions with SerenityFire? 11's matches so I modified the script to only process 10 battles at a time instead of 25. I've had issues with bots breaking threads or running out of memory or whatnot in the past, and the entire batch is scrapped when that happens. -- Martin Alan Pedersen

I'm sorry if it wasn't clear enough, but the updates and information about a half a days downtime was posted. The Changes needed were/are listed here: RoboRumble/TemporaryServerUp -- Pulsar


  1. Is it possible to run 1v1, meele and team rumble at the same time on one PC from the same rr@home dir ?
  2. Is it possible to run 1v1 in several tasks at the same time on one PC from the same rr@home dir ? -- BJD

No on both questions, but if you copy it to another dir it will work. -- Pulsar


I suggest changing the title of the RoboRumble command window to a different title by using this batch file instead:

@echo off
title RoboRumble@Home Client - Version 0.9
echo                              === RoboRumble@home ===
echo The ultimate collaborative effort to have a live, up-to-date ranking of bots. 
echo It uses the power of available robocoder's computers to distribute the effort
echo of running battles and building the rankings.
echo Website: http://www.robowiki.net/cgi-bin/robowiki?RoboRumble
cd robots
echo Loading RR@H...
java -Xmx256M -cp .;../robocode.jar;../codesize.jar; roborumble.RoboRumbleAtHome ./roborumble/roborumble.txt
goto run

Batch Commands Used:

@echo off - turns of the printing of batch commands before executing them.
echo      - printing data on the screen
title     - changes the title of the cmd window
-- nfwu

I am trying to set this up but it can not get past downloading the robots. Is there anything I can do? -- Kinsen

Yep, Voidious came up with a solution. Download [roborumble_norepository.zip] and replace the old roborumble files with the ones in there. The server will simply overlook robots that it can't download -- Kev

I have managed to get almost all of the robots downloaded but I am getting this message once it is through trying to download the robots:

Downloading rating files ...
Unable to ratings for roborumble
java.io.FileNotFoundException: http://rumble.robowiki.net/servlet/RatingsFile?ve
Unable to ratings for minirumble
java.io.FileNotFoundException: http://rumble.robowiki.net/servlet/RatingsFile?ve
Unable to ratings for microrumble
java.io.FileNotFoundException: http://rumble.robowiki.net/servlet/RatingsFile?ve
Unable to ratings for nanorumble
java.io.FileNotFoundException: http://rumble.robowiki.net/servlet/RatingsFile?ve
-- Kinsen

I have this for the ratings, hope it helps. -- GrubbmGait



Thanks, it seems to be working. I'll see if everything else works also. (It appears that I can post here again) -- Kinsen

I have a problem with the melee client. I occaisionally get this error:

Exception in thread "Application Thread" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 9 >= 9
        at java.util.Vector.elementAt(Unknown Source)
        at robocode.battle.BattleResultsTableModel.getValueAt(Unknown Source)
        at roborumble.battlesengine.BattlesRunner.runMeleeBattles(BattlesRunner.java:180)
        at roborumble.RoboRumbleAtHome.main(RoboRumbleAtHome.java:89)
Help? -- Kinsen

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: robocode/util/Utils
        at roborumble.netengine.BotsDownload.downloadBot(BotsDownload.java:217)
        at roborumble.netengine.BotsDownload.downloadMissingBots(BotsDownload.ja
        at roborumble.RoboRumbleAtHome.main(RoboRumbleAtHome.java:49)
That's what i get when i run any batch file -Starrynte

Could you paste the contents of the batch file and say what directory you're running it from? My old DOS batch files have been edited, and I am no longer using Windows, so I don't have a great reference... If it helps, here is my roborumble.bat, which I'd run from my roborumble directory (with robocode.jar in it):

cd robots
java -Xmx256M -Dsun.io.useCanonCaches=false -cp .;../robocode.jar;../codesize.jar; roborumble.RoboRumbleAtHome ./roborumble/roborumble.txt
goto run
-- Voidious

@Kinsen - that is a common occurance on my system. I think it has something to do with the robots.database file getting screwy, but I don't really know. It is annoying, but something I've just come to live with.
@Starrynte - I'd guess that you are missing the robocode.jar file. With a directory structure like "C:\roborumble\robots\roborumble" you should have robocode.jar under the first roborumble directory and RoboRumbleAtHome.class under the second roborumble directory.
@Voidious - looks like you are missing the cannon caches argument.
-- Martin

Good catch, I've edited the command above. I must've overwritten it at some point, I know I used to have that in there and I certainly have it in my current script... -- Voidious

I am having trouble downloading the bots. Here is how far it gets, and then it just stops:

C:\robocode>cd robots

C:\robocode\robots>java -Dsun.io.useCanonCaches=false -Xmx256M -cp .;../robocode
.jar;../codesize.jar; roborumble.RoboRumbleAtHome ./roborumble/roborumble.txt
Iteration number 0
Downloading participants list ...
Downloading missing bots ...
Downloading ...bvh.fry.Freya 0.81
Unable to download bvh.fry.Freya 0.81 from site.
Could not download bot bvh.fry.Freya_0.81.jar
Downloading ...chase.Velshea 0.3.4
Downloaded chase.Velshea 0.3.4 into ./chase.Velshea_0.3.4.jar
Downloading ...dft.Krazy 1.5
Downloaded dft.Krazy 1.5 into ./dft.Krazy_1.5.jar
Downloading ...DM.Capriite 3.7.2
Downloaded DM.Capriite 3.7.2 into ./DM.Capriite_3.7.2.jar
Downloading ...DM.Chicken 4.0
Downloaded DM.Chicken 4.0 into ./DM.Chicken_4.0.jar
Downloading ...DM.Mijit .3
Downloaded DM.Mijit .3 into ./DM.Mijit_.3.jar
Downloading ...ds.OoV4 0.3b
Downloaded ds.OoV4 0.3b into ./ds.OoV4_0.3b.jar
Downloading ...dukie.Ambassador 1.0
Downloaded dukie.Ambassador 1.0 into ./dukie.Ambassador_1.0.jar
Downloading ...dummy.mini.Parakeet 2.40
Downloaded dummy.mini.Parakeet 2.40 into ./dummy.mini.Parakeet_2.40.jar
Downloading ...dz.GalbaMicro 0.11
Downloaded dz.GalbaMicro 0.11 into ./dz.GalbaMicro_0.11.jar
Downloading ...dz.GalbaMini 0.12
Downloaded dz.GalbaMini 0.12 into ./dz.GalbaMini_0.12.jar
Downloading ...dz.MostlyHarmlessNano 2.1
Downloaded dz.MostlyHarmlessNano 2.1 into ./dz.MostlyHarmlessNano_2.1.jar
Downloading ...florent.FloatingTadpole 1.2.6
Downloaded florent.FloatingTadpole 1.2.6 into ./florent.FloatingTadpole_1.2.6.ja
Downloading ...florent.small.LittleAngel 1.8
Downloaded florent.small.LittleAngel 1.8 into ./florent.small.LittleAngel_1.8.ja
Downloading ...germ.TheMind .2
Downloaded germ.TheMind .2 into ./germ.TheMind_.2.jar
Downloading ...gh.GresSuffurd 0.1.5
Downloaded gh.GresSuffurd 0.1.5 into ./gh.GresSuffurd_0.1.5.jar
Downloading ...gh.GrubbmGrb 1.2.4
Downloaded gh.GrubbmGrb 1.2.4 into ./gh.GrubbmGrb_1.2.4.jar
Downloading ...gh.GrypRepetyf 0.13
Downloaded gh.GrypRepetyf 0.13 into ./gh.GrypRepetyf_0.13.jar
Downloading ...gh.micro.GrubbmThree 0.9
Unable to download gh.micro.GrubbmThree 0.9 from site.
Could not download bot gh.micro.GrubbmThree_0.9.jar
Downloading ...gh.mini.GrubbmOne 1.0
Unable to download gh.mini.GrubbmOne 1.0 from site.
Could not download bot gh.mini.GrubbmOne_1.0.jar
Downloading ...gh.nano.Grofvuil 0.2
Unable to download gh.nano.Grofvuil 0.2 from site.
Could not download bot gh.nano.Grofvuil_0.2.jar
Downloading ...gimp.GimpBot 0.1
Unable to download gimp.GimpBot 0.1 from site.
Could not download bot gimp.GimpBot_0.1.jar
Downloading ...gio.RealGioBot 1.0
Unable to download gio.RealGioBot 1.0 from site.
Could not download bot gio.RealGioBot_1.0.jar
Downloading ...homerbots.h1 1.0
Unable to download homerbots.h1 1.0 from site.
Could not download bot homerbots.h1_1.0.jar
Downloading ...jaw.Mouse 0.11
Unable to download jaw.Mouse 0.11 from site.
Could not download bot jaw.Mouse_0.11.jar
Downloading ...jaw.KarenCain 0.11
Unable to download jaw.KarenCain 0.11 from site.
Could not download bot jaw.KarenCain_0.11.jar
Downloading ...jaybot.adv.bots.JayBot 2.0
Unable to download jaybot.adv.bots.JayBot 2.0 from site.
Could not download bot jaybot.adv.bots.JayBot_2.0.jar
Downloading ...jaybot.bots.Oddball 4.0
Unable to download jaybot.bots.Oddball 4.0 from site.
Could not download bot jaybot.bots.Oddball_4.0.jar
Downloading ...jcs.AutoBot 4.2.1
Unable to download jcs.AutoBot 4.2.1 from site.
Could not download bot jcs.AutoBot_4.2.1.jar
Downloading ...jcs.Decepticon 2.5.3
Unable to download jcs.Decepticon 2.5.3 from site.
Could not download bot jcs.Decepticon_2.5.3.jar
Downloading ...jcs.Megatron 1.2
Unable to download jcs.Megatron 1.2 from site.
Could not download bot jcs.Megatron_1.2.jar
Downloading ...jcs.Seth 1.8
Unable to download jcs.Seth 1.8 from site.
Could not download bot jcs.Seth_1.8.jar
Downloading ...jekl.DarkHallow .90.9
Unable to download jekl.DarkHallow .90.9 from site.
Could not download bot jekl.DarkHallow_.90.9.jar
Downloading ...jje.BagPuss 1.2
Unable to download jje.BagPuss 1.2 from site.
Could not download bot jje.BagPuss_1.2.jar
Downloading ...jp.Perpy 16.0
Unable to download jp.Perpy 16.0 from site.
Could not download bot jp.Perpy_16.0.jar
Downloading ...jp.SineWall 1.0
Unable to download jp.SineWall 1.0 from site.
Could not download bot jp.SineWall_1.0.jar
Downloading ...kanishk.Fr0z3n 1.1
Unable to download kanishk.Fr0z3n 1.1 from site.
Could not download bot kanishk.Fr0z3n_1.1.jar
Downloading ...kawigi.micro.Shiz 1.1
Unable to download kawigi.micro.Shiz 1.1 from site.
Could not download bot kawigi.micro.Shiz_1.1.jar
Downloading ...kawigi.sbf.FloodHT 0.9.2
Unable to download kawigi.sbf.FloodHT 0.9.2 from site.
Could not download bot kawigi.sbf.FloodHT_0.9.2.jar
Downloading ...kc.micro.Thorn 1.1
Downloaded kc.micro.Thorn 1.1 into ./kc.micro.Thorn_1.1.jar
Downloading ...kc.mini.Vyper 0.22
Downloaded kc.mini.Vyper 0.22 into ./kc.mini.Vyper_0.22.jar
Downloading ...kc.nano.Splinter 1.1
Downloaded kc.nano.Splinter 1.1 into ./kc.nano.Splinter_1.1.jar
Downloading ...kc.serpent.WaveSerpent 1.101
Downloaded kc.serpent.WaveSerpent 1.101 into ./kc.serpent.WaveSerpent_1.101.jar
Downloading ...kid.Gladiator .7.1
Downloaded kid.Gladiator .7.1 into ./kid.Gladiator_.7.1.jar
Downloading ...kinsen.melee.Angsaichmophobia 1.8c
Downloaded kinsen.melee.Angsaichmophobia 1.8c into ./kinsen.melee.Angsaichmophob
Downloading ...kinsen.nano.Hoplomachy 1.6
Downloaded kinsen.nano.Hoplomachy 1.6 into ./kinsen.nano.Hoplomachy_1.6.jar
Downloading ...Krabb.doboh.DoBoh 1.3
Unable to download Krabb.doboh.DoBoh 1.3 from site.
Could not download bot Krabb.doboh.DoBoh_1.3.jar
Downloading ...Krabb.fe4r.Fe4r 0.4
Unable to download Krabb.fe4r.Fe4r 0.4 from site.
Could not download bot Krabb.fe4r.Fe4r_0.4.jar
Downloading ...Krabb.krabby.Krabby 1.22
Unable to download Krabb.krabby.Krabby 1.22 from site.
Could not download bot Krabb.krabby.Krabby_1.22.jar
Downloading ...Krabb.krabby2.Krabby2 1.9o
Downloaded Krabb.krabby2.Krabby2 1.9o into ./Krabb.krabby2.Krabby2_1.9o.jar
Downloading ...Krabb.sliNk.Slartibartfass 0.5
Downloaded Krabb.sliNk.Slartibartfass 0.5 into ./Krabb.sliNk.Slartibartfass_0.5.
Downloading ...krillr.mini.JointStrike 2.0.0
Downloaded krillr.mini.JointStrike 2.0.0 into ./krillr.mini.JointStrike_2.0.0.ja
Downloading ...krillr.mega.Psyche 0.0.3
Downloaded krillr.mega.Psyche 0.0.3 into ./krillr.mega.Psyche_0.0.3.jar
Downloading ...leb.ShootAnArrow 0.1
Unable to download leb.ShootAnArrow 0.1 from site.
Could not download bot leb.ShootAnArrow_0.1.jar
Downloading ...lorneswork.Predator 1.0
Unable to download lorneswork.Predator 1.0 from site.
Could not download bot lorneswork.Predator_1.0.jar
Downloading ...lrem.micro.MoggFanatic 0.2
Unable to download lrem.micro.MoggFanatic 0.2 from site.
Could not download bot lrem.micro.MoggFanatic_0.2.jar
Downloading ...lrem.micro.FalseProphet Alpha
Unable to download lrem.micro.FalseProphet Alpha from site.
Could not download bot lrem.micro.FalseProphet_Alpha.jar
Downloading ...lrem.quickhack.QuickHack 1.0
Unable to download lrem.quickhack.QuickHack 1.0 from site.
Could not download bot lrem.quickhack.QuickHack_1.0.jar
Downloading ...lunchie.Lunchbox 0.93
Unable to download lunchie.Lunchbox 0.93 from site.
Could not download bot lunchie.Lunchbox_0.93.jar
Downloading ...marksteam.Phoenix 1.0
Unable to download marksteam.Phoenix 1.0 from site.
Could not download bot marksteam.Phoenix_1.0.jar
Downloading ...matt.advanced.Katana 1.0
Unable to download matt.advanced.Katana 1.0 from site.
Could not download bot matt.advanced.Katana_1.0.jar
Downloading ...matt.BlueMind 0.8.00
Unable to download matt.BlueMind 0.8.00 from site.
Could not download bot matt.BlueMind_0.8.00.jar
Downloading ...matt.UnderDark4 0.4.00
Unable to download matt.UnderDark4 0.4.00 from site.
Could not download bot matt.UnderDark4_0.4.00.jar
Downloading ...mbro.BelajarBot 0.0.3
Unable to download mbro.BelajarBot 0.0.3 from site.
Could not download bot mbro.BelajarBot_0.0.3.jar
Downloading ...mbro.Detektor3 0.1.1
Unable to download mbro.Detektor3 0.1.1 from site.
Could not download bot mbro.Detektor3_0.1.1.jar
Downloading ...mn.WarMachine 1.1
Unable to download mn.WarMachine 1.1 from site.
Could not download bot mn.WarMachine_1.1.jar
Downloading ...mnt.AHEB 0.6a
Unable to download mnt.AHEB 0.6a from site.
Could not download bot mnt.AHEB_0.6a.jar
Downloading ...mnt.SurferBot 0.2.5
Then it gives up on me and sits like that and won't do anything else. --Bayen

Looks like the repository is down or very very slow... -- Voidious

Hmmm.. I finally got it to get a bit further:

C:\robocode>cd robots

C:\robocode\robots>java -Dsun.io.useCanonCaches=false -Xmx256M -cp .;../robocode
.jar;../codesize.jar; roborumble.RoboRumbleAtHome ./roborumble/roborumble.txt
Iteration number 0
Downloading participants list ...
Downloading missing bots ...
Downloading ...bvh.fry.Freya 0.81
Unable to download bvh.fry.Freya 0.81 from site.
Could not download bot bvh.fry.Freya_0.81.jar
Downloading ...mrm.MightyMoose .2
Unable to download mrm.MightyMoose .2 from site.
Could not download bot mrm.MightyMoose_.2.jar
Downloading ...winamp32.micro.MicroMacro 1.0
Unable to download winamp32.micro.MicroMacro 1.0 from site.
Could not download bot winamp32.micro.MicroMacro_1.0.jar
Ignoring bvh.fry.Freya_0.81.jar: .\bvh.fry.Freya_0.81.jar (The system cannot fin
d the file specified)
Ignoring bvh.fry.Freya_0.81.jar: .\bvh.fry.Freya_0.81.jar (The system cannot fin
d the file specified)
Ignoring mrm.MightyMoose_.2.jar: .\mrm.MightyMoose_.2.jar (The system cannot fin
d the file specified)
Ignoring mrm.MightyMoose_.2.jar: .\mrm.MightyMoose_.2.jar (The system cannot fin
d the file specified)
Ignoring winamp32.micro.MicroMacro_1.0.jar: .\winamp32.micro.MicroMacro_1.0.jar
(The system cannot find the file specified)
Ignoring winamp32.micro.MicroMacro_1.0.jar: .\winamp32.micro.MicroMacro_1.0.jar
(The system cannot find the file specified)
Downloading rating files ...
Removing old participants from server ...
Preparing battles list ... Using smart battles is true
Prioritary battles file not found ...
Executing battles ...
Fighting battle 0 ... davidalves.Phoenix 0.84,rz.SmallDevil 1.502
Then it stops again. Just sits there. It's been like this for about 10 minutes. Is it supposed to take this long? --Bayen

Try just starting Robocode from the directory where you're running the RoboRumble. (By the way, it's best if you have separate directories for the RoboRumble and your dev environment, in case you, for example, edit Shadow's .properties file to benchmark against it.) After you install a new bot, Robocode needs to extract it and add it to the database. Doing this for 1 bot doesn't take long, but for hundreds it might take a while. By starting Robocode manually, you'll at least see that it's doing stuff. -- Voidious

I tried using the newest version of robocode but it doesn't work although previous versions do:

Fighting battle 0 ... voidious.Dookious 1.43,fnc.bandit.Bandit 5.2.0
Exception in thread "Application Thread" java.lang.NumberFormatException: For in
put string: "voidious.Dookious 1.43"
        at java.lang.NumberFormatException.forInputString(Unknown Source)
        at java.lang.Integer.parseInt(Unknown Source)
        at java.lang.Integer.parseInt(Unknown Source)
        at roborumble.battlesen
-- Kinsen

I get the same error as Kinsen, anyone got a fix? -- Bal


C:\...\robocode\robots>java -Dsun.io.useCanonCaches=false -Xmx256M -
cp .;../robocode.jar;../codesize.jar; roborumble.RoboRumbleAtHome ./roborumble/r
Iteration number 0
Downloading participants list ...
Downloading missing bots ...
Downloading ...abc.Shadow 3.66d
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: robocode/util/Utils
        at roborumble.netengine.BotsDownload.downloadBot(BotsDownload.java:217)
        at roborumble.netengine.BotsDownload.downloadMissingBots(BotsDownload.ja
        at roborumble.RoboRumbleAtHome.main(RoboRumbleAtHome.java:48)

C:\...\robocode\robots>goto run

C:\...\robocode\robots>java -Dsun.io.useCanonCaches=false -Xmx256M -
cp .;../robocode.jar;../codesize.jar; roborumble.RoboRumbleAtHome ./roborumble/r
Iteration number 0
Downloading participants list ...
Downloading missing bots ...
Downloading ...abc.Shadow 3.66d
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: robocode/util/Utils
        at roborumble.netengine.BotsDownload.downloadBot(BotsDownload.java:217)
        at roborumble.netengine.BotsDownload.downloadMissingBots(BotsDownload.ja
        at roborumble.RoboRumbleAtHome.main(RoboRumbleAtHome.java:48)

C:\...\robocode\robots>goto run

C:\...\robocode\robots>java -Dsun.io.useCanonCaches=false -Xmx256M -
cp .;../robocode.jar;../codesize.jar; roborumble.RoboRumbleAtHome ./roborumble/r
Iteration number 0
Downloading participants list ...
Terminate batch job (Y/N)?

Here are where the folders are located:
and so on
Does anyone know what the problem is? --Starrynte

Aha! I put robocode.jar in the \robocode directory and it works now!!!!! (I saw your solution, Martin). And, for the NumberFormatException?, is it only with Dookious or is it with all the bots? --Starrynte

Tron takes forever to download. Wait, robocoderepository is down. --Starrynte

You can download all the robots in a zip, the link is at the top of the page. -- Kinsen

I've waited over 1 hour to download the participants list. My internet isn't slow. Does anyone know what the problem is? --Starrynte

What's wrong if after fighting battle 0, I receive the following exception:

Exception in thread "Application Thread" java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "brainfade.melee.Dusk 0.44"
        at java.lang.NumberFormatException.forInputString(NumberFormatException.java:48)
        at java.lang.Integer.parseInt(Integer.java:447)
        at java.lang.Integer.parseInt(Integer.java:497)
        at roborumble.battlesengine.BattlesRunner.runMeleeBattles(BattlesRunner.java:182)
        at roborumble.RoboRumbleAtHome.main(RoboRumbleAtHome.java:89)
-- marijnk?

Any more info, like java version, robocode version would be handy. Is the bot present in the robots-directory, can you select it and run battles with it by hand, that sort of stuff. -- GrubbmGait

Could the properties files of the uploaded client be corrected?

I had to experiement with the RESULTSURL and RATINGS.URL parameters before I got it working when I re-installed the client.

-- Nfwu

I get a out of memory exception when running the teamrumble.
Exception in thread "Battle Thread" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
Also, where should i put the codesize.jar file? My directory is:

In meleerumble, DoctorWho? and JointStrike are the only ones i can't download.

Downloading ...krillr.DoctorWho 0.1.1
Unable to download krillr.DoctorWho 0.1.1 from site.
Could not download bot krillr.DoctorWho_0.1.1.jar
Downloading ...krillr.mini.JointStrike 2.0.0
Unable to download krillr.mini.JointStrike 2.0.0 from site.
Could not download bot krillr.mini.JointStrike_2.0.0.jar

Removed DoctorWho? from meleerumble, it was just a non-meleebot derived from Dookious. JointStrike is a valid, acceptable performing meleebot, I don't know why it is not available anymore. If you need it, you can copy the .jar from your one-on-one client or extract it from the latest zip mentioned at the top of this page. -- GrubbmGait

In meleerumble, everything was going fine, and then all of a sudden I get an

Exception in thread "Application Thread" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsExceptio
n: 9 >= 9
        at java.util.Vector.elementAt(Vector.java:432)
        at robocode.battle.BattleResultsTableModel.getValueAt(Unknown Source)
        at roborumble.battlesengine.BattlesRunner.runMeleeBattles(BattlesRunner.
        at roborumble.RoboRumbleAtHome.main(RoboRumbleAtHome.java:89)

Does Robocode 1.2.5 Beta work with roborumble? (just curious, that way i can update to support newer bots, i'm using version 1.1.5 right now) --Starrynte

I currently use 1.2.5 Beta for own development, but still use 1.1.2 for roborumble. On Robocode/OldNews it is strongly advised not to use 1.1.5, as it is full of bugs. I did not find any problems yet with 1.2.5 Beta and am planning to try 1.2.5 as roborumble client as soon as it is released. I think every version does work as roborumble client (and RoboLeague for that matter), just choose a version that is reliable (no bugs in engine) and fire up your client! -- GrubbmGait

I will do everything I possible can to make sure that the comming Robocode 1.2.6 (and Beta) will be able to run with RoboRumble@Home. --Fnl

Not sure if you saw, but I posted something on RoboRumble/ParticipantsChat about this. It's not that 1.2.5A wouldn't work with RR@Home, it's just that the RR@Home client directly access some things you've refactored. It's completely reasonable and understandable that you would refactor things, so I say we just update the RoboRumble client code for the new versions. It really isn't that much work. -- Voidious

Currently, it being build into Robocode with the comming version 1.3. ;-) --Fnl

Is 1.3 going to become the lastest RR@home client -- Gorded

I hope so! I would like to see how WeeklongObsession and WeeksOnEnd perform when they are on a level playing field! (n/m if you don't know what I'm talking about) --Simonton

I will test 1.3 for RR@Home for one-on-one, melee and teams this weekend, the good results of 1.3_Beta2 during normal usage does give good hope. -- GrubbmGait

Well, I was going to "start with roborumble" using an old version, to kick of some melee battles (now that I entered a melee bot, I'd love to see it perform). BUT, I don't see a link anywhere to an old, compatible version of robocode. So I guess I'll just sit tight until either the latest version is fully functional, or if it's going to be a while, maybe someone out there could zip up their rumble directory (minus the .robotcache & such) and make it available (instead of following the instructions & comments throughout these pages)? -- Simonton

On SourceForge? (http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=37202&package_id=29609) you can also download older versions like 1.0.7 and 1.1.3. -- GrubbmGait

Ah, I was just coming back to say I found it. Thank you! However, I think I'm going to give up for a while. I got everything downloaded, unzipped, set up, etc, but it's taking FOREVER to populate the .robotcache directory. Spending all night in the lab ends right ... about ... here. -- Simonton

I don't know what makes it take so long on some Windows machines. It used to take like 45 minutes on my XP install for a few hundred bots. I was amazed when it took only a couple minutes on my new MacBook; then I was amazed it took only a few minutes on that former Windows box, running Linux; then GrubbmGait said it only took a few minutes on his Windows PC. Hmmf! -- Voidious

Is there any good way to get multiple instances of RoboRumble running on different machines from a shared directory, or do you pretty much have to have 2 separate copies of .robotcache? -- Simonton

Yeah, you definitely want separate copies. They will also step on each other's toes with the RoboRumble temp files, so they'll get into a weird loop where they keep re-uploading battles and never erasing them. (Some of us have done this out of ignorance / by accident.) -- Voidious

That's sad. There a lot of machines in this lab that are unused. And I have an application I used for some research that harnesses them all. -- Simonton

It would be interesting to see a lab full of systems doing roborumble. --Chase-san

Does anyone know if there's anything special I have to do to run the rumble remotely? Observe:

 Exception in thread "Application Thread" java.awt.HeadlessException?:
 No X11 DISPLAY variable was set, but this program performed an operation which requires it.
        at java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment?.checkHeadless(GraphicsEnvironment?.java:159)
        at java.awt.Window.<init>(Window.java:317)
        at java.awt.Frame.<init>(Frame.java:419)
        at java.awt.Frame.<init>(Frame.java:384)
        at javax.swing.JFrame.<init>(JFrame.java:150)
        at robocode.dialog.RobocodeFrame?.<init>(RobocodeFrame?.java:118)
        at robocode.manager.WindowManager?.getRobocodeFrame?(WindowManager?.java:55)
        at robocode.manager.BattleManager?.startNewBattle?(BattleManager?.java:205)
        at robocode.manager.BattleManager?.startNewBattle?(BattleManager?.java:131)
        at roborumble.battlesengine.RobocodeEngineAtHome?.runBattle(RobocodeEngineAtHome?.java:97)
        at roborumble.battlesengine.BattlesRunner?.runMeleeBattles?(BattlesRunner?.java:171)
        at roborumble.RoboRumbleAtHome?.main(RoboRumbleAtHome?.java:89)
Apparently robocode tries to create a "RobocodeFrame?" even when being controlled by the rumble? Is there any way to stop that? Thanks, -- Simonton

Hmm... I have run it remotely, and I remember having an issue with that, but I'm trying to think how I solved it. I might have connected with something that had X11 forwarding, like Unix's "ssh -Y", X-Win on Windows, or X11 on a Mac. Or maybe there's some type of -nodisplay argument you can pass to Java? -- Voidious

Hmm ... the "ssh -Y" got me closer than "ssh -X" was. That probably is how you did it. Now is the problem that I'm sitting behind a firewall that won't forward X requests to my machine, and whose settings I can't change. It's wierd to me that robocode is creating a JFrame that it doesn't even plan to display. I guess RobocodeFrame? must do something necessary even if it's not going to be visible. -- Simonton

Well, I think I just found one and tried it, and it still didn't work. It still cites my router as denying the thing. *sigh* -- Simonton

I don't think the RobocodeFrame? is needed for RoboRumble, when the GUI is not active. However, the robocode.control.RobocodeEngine? might expect the RobocodeFrame? to be ready, if setVisible(true) is suddenly called. With Robocode itself, you just add the -nodisplay options to the batch file. Then the GUI is completely disabled and newer invoked. But this is not the case for RoboRumble yet. I will look into this issue when I get time for it. ;-) --Fnl

I just had a look into Robocode 1.3 (including the new RoboRumble). Here the RobocodeFrame? is not invoked. --Fnl

Wow, there's so many great improvements in 1.3! -- Simonton

Hey Yellow: I just zipped up a copy of all the bots I have in my rumble directory (which has all but some of the newest 1v1 bots). How do I get it to you? (It's 28MB, so I can't just email it) -- Simonton

Hey. 28MB? Hmm, I got the ones posted by PEZ and rolled in the ones posted by Krabb and I get 49MB rar'd! Although I have seen lots of versions of various bot's in that package, so I'm thinking either you've got rid off the versions not needed - or in PEZ's downloads and Krabb's together I have a lot of bots that arent in the rumble?

I'm working atm, I'll look into making a temp area on a machine for you to upload to when I get home, unless you have anywhere that can host it until I download it from there? YellowAlienBaby

Mine is contaminated with old versions, sorry :P --Krabb

Hehe. 28 is a lot smaller than 49 :). I set it to "maximum compression", but still each jar is only compressed like 4-9%. You must have a lot of duplicate versions (or maybe just duplicates versions of some very mega bots). -- Simonton

Ok. Not ideal, but you can post it as an attachment (link to the left of the 'More Actions' box) on this page for now;

 * http://tsmwiki.com/tsmwiki/MatthewWarren
I'll grab it when it appears and put it up for d/load.

Ok I see it. Another wait until I can access the machine from the other side. Should be available this evening sometime :) -- YellowAlienBaby

Thats posted. I've edited the link up near the top of this page and here's another one http://tsmwiki.com/robocode/allbots.zip

The versions that you have to use, 1.0.6 through 1.1.3... I don't see them on sourceforge, are they still available? Are new RR@Home agents being accepted? --BenHorner

The new versions of Robocode come with the roborumble already integrated. No need to download an old version. =) -- Skilgannon

We need to seriously update this page. Like archive it and start over with a simple: download the bots here, put your name in the config file and double-click the .bat. I can do this, but probably not until Monday night. -- Simonton

I tried to get RR@H running just now... it downloaded a ton of bots, but then on some it said it couldn't, on some it said it was ignoring it because the files didn't exist, and then finally it errored out. Here are some samples of the failed download messages:

Trying to download Krabb.krabby2.Krabby2 1.9o
Could not find Krabb.krabby2.Krabby2 1.9o from http://designnj.de/robocode/Krabb.krabby2.Krabby2_1.9o.jar
Could not download Krabb.krabby2.Krabby2_1.9o.jar

Ignoring Krabb.krabby2.Krabby2_1.9o.jar: ./robots/Krabb.krabby2.Krabby2_1.9o.jar (No such file or directory)
Here is the error out part:
Downloading rating files ...
Removing old participants from server ...
Preparing battles list ... Using smart battles is true
Prioritary battles file not found ...  
Executing battles ...
Fighting battle 0 ... gio.RealGioBot 1.0,ch.rhj.rbc.RHJ1 1.0
Exception in thread "gio.RealGioBot 1.0" JavaAWT: Assertion failure: Java exception thrown
JavaAWT: File src/macosx/native/apple/awt/util/AWTException.m; Line 40
JavaAWT: Assertion failure: _javaException
JavaAWT: File src/macosx/native/apple/awt/util/AWTException.m; Line 48
JavaAWT: Assertion failure: _javaException != ((void *)0)
JavaAWT: File src/macosx/native/apple/awt/util/AWTException.m; Line 148
Exception in thread "gio.RealGioBot 1.0" JavaAWT: Assertion failure: Java exception thrown
JavaAWT: File src/macosx/native/apple/awt/util/AWTException.m; Line 40
JavaAWT: Assertion failure: _javaException
JavaAWT: File src/macosx/native/apple/awt/util/AWTException.m; Line 48
2007-09-23 20:31:03.734 java[24110] *** Uncaught exception: <AwtException> See Java exception object
./roborumble.sh: line 2: 24110 Trace/BPT trap          java -Xmx256M -Dsun.io.useCanonCaches=false -cp libs/robocode.jar:libs/codesize.jar:libs/roborumble.jar roborumble.RoboRumbleAtHome ./roborumble/roborumble.txt
If anyone knows what this means, or knows how to fix it, please let me know... I used the script roborumble.sh to kick this off. I'm on a Mac if that explains anything...


I am on a Mac and I have gotten some similar errors in the past, but it has been fixed since Robocode 1.3.5. We never did really figure out what was causing it, but it went away. I have no problems with 1.4 but I haven't tested 1.4.4 or 1.4.5 yet; I'll do that now. What versions of Robocode and Java are you using? -- Voidious

Ha, edit conflict. Look what I was going to write:

I can tell you what the first part means, that says that those bot JARs don't exist on the host site. Chances are the author deleted them or the domain name doesn't exist anymore. As a result, RoboRumble can't download them and is ignoring those bots. As for the second part, being on a Mac explains a lot from what I have heard. Wait for Voidious to come along. =) -- AaronR

=D -- AaronR

Heh :P Apple does their own version of the JVM, so there are some differences, as seen here, though I can't really figure out what those errors mean. It's a little odd that anything is happening with AWT in the RoboRumble, but I still can't quite troubleshoot it as of now. For what it's worth, I am getting these same errors with RoboRumble 1.4.4, so it's nothing with your config. I am using 1.4 for the RoboRumble and it works fine. One of us should submit a bug report over at SourceForge? about this... I probably won't get to it tonight, but I will tomorrow if you haven't yet. -- Voidious

My problems after pasting robocode.jar and codesize.jar everywhere :)

C:\robocode\robots>java -Dsun.io.useCanonCaches=false -Xmx256M -cp .;..\robocode
.jar;..\codesize.jar; roborumble.RoboRumbleAtHome .\roborumble\roborumble.txt
Iteration number 0
Downloading participants list ...
Downloading missing bots ...
Downloading ...AIR.iRobot 1.0
Unable to download AIR.iRobot 1.0 from site.
Could not download bot AIR.iRobot_1.0.jar
Downloading ...altglass.Cruiser 2007-01-29
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: robocode.util.Utils.copy
        at roborumble.netengine.BotsDownload.downloadBot(BotsDownload.java:217)
        at roborumble.netengine.BotsDownload.downloadMissingBots(BotsDownload.ja
        at roborumble.RoboRumbleAtHome.main(RoboRumbleAtHome.java:49)

C:\robocode\robots>goto run
repeat forever on same bot.


Hey, have you downloaded a recent version of Robocode? The RoboRumble is integrated, so it should be relatively simple - just run roborumble.bat or roborumble.sh. =) Not that there aren't issues sometimes, but the above sounds like something else, I'm not really sure. Links and updates are on the Robocode/News page. -- Voidious

Put a new 'update-zip' ready for download, see near the top of the page. I have a complete zip without any 'obsolete' versions ready for one-on-one (570 entrants), but it is 14Mb and I don't have that freeon my webspace. -- GrubbmGait

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Edited September 29, 2007 15:56 EST by GrubbmGait (diff)