[Home]History of ForceMajeureRRGC/Challenge

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Revision 7 . . (edit) July 11, 2006 11:45 EST by DemetriX
Revision 1 . . (edit) July 2, 2006 7:08 EST by DemetriX

Difference (from prior major revision) (minor diff)

Changed: 1c1,22
Waiting for first result...
RoboRumble Gun Challenge results (2006-07-9)
| Name | Gun author | Rating | Date | Remarks
|BeeRRGC WT |PEZ/Vic | 1904 | | Out of date
|DookiSaberRRGC |Voidious | 1884 | 20060529 | Only outranks AscendantRRGC because of rating drifts, I think...
|AscendantRRGC |Mue | 1882 | 20060414
|ShadowRRGC |ABC | 1880 | | Out of date
|RaikoRRGC |Jamougha | 1878 | | Out of date
|BeeRRGC (no VG stats saving) |PEZ | 1873 | 20060412
|ShivaRRGC |deathcon | 1869 | | Out of date
|Locke |Vic | 1868 | | Out of date
|Toad/RRGC |Florent | 1868 | 20051108|
|WaveSerpent/RRGC |Kev | 1859 | 20060609 |+36 from Quest
|Pear |iiley/Xiemin| 1858 | | Out of date
|PhoenixRRGC 0.23 |David Alves | 1849 | | Out of date
|PowerHouseRRGC? 1.0 |wcsv | 1849 | 20060506 |+27 from Quest
|Aristocles/RRGC |PEZ | 1833 | |+9 from Quest
|WodanRRGC |Loki | 1829 |
|DHRRGC |jim | 1819 |
|ForceMajeureRRGC 0.695 |DemetriX | 1782 | 20060709 |-41 from Quest
|GrubbmGrbRRGC 1.07 |GrubbmGait | 1772 | 20060410 |-51 from Quest
|ResinRRGC |PEZ | 1724 |

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