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Changed: 1c1
Down with Robocode! Down with Java! Up with C++! Make this website a C++ fan page, or we will be back!!!!
Consider starting on the Beginners page if you are new to Robocode.

Changed: 3c3,16
I'm not kidding.
Robot creation
* Targeting (LinearTargeting, PatternMatching, GuessFactorTargeting, StatisticalTargeting, BestPSpace, VirtualBullets and SegmentedData to name a few articles in this category.)
* Movement - DodgingBullets - WallAvoidance - RandomMovement - TrackMovement - MovementProfile - CornerMovement (a melee thingy)
* MultiMode - using multiple types of Targeting and Movement and chosing which is the best for each enemy
* Radar - Gathering intelligence effectively
* EnergyManagement - SelectingFirePower - WhenToFire - TheEndGame
* IntelligenceManagement - WhatToSaveBetweenRounds - SavingDataHowto - CompressedSerialization
* OneOnOne - Melee - Teams
* CodeSnippets -Example code
* UtilityFunctions - RollingAverage - Hanji/RobocodeUtils - Marshmallow/RobotUtilsCode
* DealingWithSkippedTurns
* Strategy - OpeningGame - EndingGame - Fatality
* [Robocode bot API] - Can't be without it.
* Math - RobocodeTrigTutorial - Trigonometry - TrigChallenges

Changed: 5c18,76
Kyle Benson
Bots - Make a page for your robot and/or any other robot you think is interesting. - Like:
* Cigaret - Aspid - TheArtOfWar - Sparrow - Duelist - SandboxDT - PrairieWolf - Tron - SampleBots
* OtherPeoplesRobots

* RoboRumble @ Home - See current rankings in RoboRumble/CurrentRankings
* RobocodeDeathMatch/Competition - where aggressiveness is all.
* RobocodeLittleLeague - Where CodeSize constrained fight for honour. Successor to the MiniBotChallenge.
* EternalRumble
* Face2face - Currently inactive. you can download RoboRumble@home client from the site.

* PatternMatcherChallenge - Can you beat PatternBot? You aren't allowed to move!
* MovementChallenge - Test your movement in a controlled environment.
* TargetingChallenge - Test your aim in a controlled environment.

* RobocodeRepository
* RoboLeague - http://user.cs.tu-berlin.de/~lulli/roboleague/download/ - set up your own for testing or fun
* [Control API] - If you need more customizability than RoboLeague and you're willing to put in some effort
* [Code size] - Utility to measure code size of a bot
* [Making smaller code discussion]
* Tutorial
* Links?
* [The official Robocode site]
* [Robocode FAQ]
* InterestingThreads
* TestingBots
* [Discussion] - Try the discussion site on Robocode, there is some good stuff here
* [- The Robocode IRC channel - NEW!!]
* [Robocode Outpost - A Robocode Community/League Forum - Pretty dormant these days]
* JavaAPI

Assorted grapes
* BotCategories - Survivalists
* PlayingSound
* Demos
* JustForFun - TimmyTheCheerfulMonkey - FootBallDemo - BeerPoet
* WhiteWhales
* History of Robocode

* MacOSX
* WindowsXP
* GNULinux
* RobocodeGLV014 (using gl4java)
* Robocode 3D (using Java3D)

* Polymorphism
* DesignPatterns
* Coupling
* Refactoring?
* UnitTesting
* Editors

* Robocode2/Fixes - Robocode2/Additions - Robocode2/Concessions

Members - Anyone with the slightest interest in the subject. Please create a RoboWikiHomePage for yourself and/or your bot(s). If applicable, also add yourself to the InstantMessenger page.

Consider starting on the Beginners page if you are new to Robocode.

Robot creation

Bots - Make a page for your robot and/or any other robot you think is interesting. - Like:



Assorted grapes




Members - Anyone with the slightest interest in the subject. Please create a RoboWikiHomePage for yourself and/or your bot(s). If applicable, also add yourself to the InstantMessenger page.

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Last edited February 12, 2004 18:32 EST by PEZ (diff)