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A component of the MovementChallenge2K6:

The CurveFlatteningChallenge2K6 gives you a way to measure your bot's ability to avoid some of the best targeting systems available. To measure your bot's movement against bots with less advanced targeting systems, use other parts of the MovementChallenge2K6.


Your bot's score is average amount of life you had at the end of each round. 100 means that the reference bot never hit you. You calculate your score like this:

 100 - (reference bot's bullet damage score / 500)

You can use the MovementChallenge calculator for the calculations. Just upload the Roboleage results file to it: http://robowiki.net/cgi-bin/MCCalc

Nota bene! In this challenge it is very important that you run 500 round battles. No longer. No shorter. If your movement is the least bit adaptive your scores can be quite different with the amount of time the reference bots have to learn.


Bot Name Author TypeScore vs. CCScore vs. FloodHTScore vs. ShadowOverall Score Comment
Phoenix 0.783 David Alves WS 49.05 72.48 29.03 50.19 4 seasons, flattener disabled, desired distance = 600
Shadow 3.70e ABC WS 46.76 65.18 32.33 48.09
DoctorWho? 0.1.1 Krillr WS 46.642 66.854 30.654 48.05 Booya!
Dookious 0.965 Voidious WS 47.64 63.94 32.29 47.95
Shadow 3.66 ABC WS 45.78 56.38 33.04 45.06
CassiusClay 2theta* PEZ WS 46.22 56.77 30.37 44.45
Phoenix 0.31 David Alves WS 37.42 63.31 27.10 42.61
Lukious 1.04* Voidious WS/DC 36.22 55.65 26.51 39.46
Dookious 0.851 Voidious WS 44.38 52.98 27.43 41.59
CassiusClay 2eta* PEZ WS 36.88 47.94 31.87 38.89
WSMini Simonton WS 33.50 53.89 25.95 37.78
Drifter 13 Tim Foden SS 17.83 50.02 14.29 27.38 3 seasons
Chalk<dev> Corbos WS 21.54 35.248 20.976 25.92
WeeklongObsession Simonton RM 9.48 35.53 21.22 22.08
Drifter 11 Tim Foden SS 13.20 34.96 14.83 21.00 1 season
GrubbmGrb 1.2.1* GrubbmGait MM 9.83 16.19 15.11 13.71 5 seasons
Ugluk 0.15.7MC Martin MM 9.50 17.65 12.10 13.08
Strength 0.5 Greywhind WS 11.22 9.07 8.61 9.63
Freya 0.80 Loki MR 1.20 7.54 3.08 3.94 :(
Krabby2 1.9g Krabb WS 2.41 6.50 1.80 3.57 Sweet! -_-

Movement types:

 S&G: StopAndGo
  WS: WaveSurfing
  SS: Shrapnel Surfing
  RM: RandomMovement
  MM: MultiMode
  MR: Minimum Risk 


First bot to beat 70 against FloodHT and first overall score above 50. Woohoo! --David Alves

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Last edited May 23, 2008 9:10 EST by Tim Foden (diff)