A collaborative site about Robocode. Also featuring RoboRumble@Home.
Please ReadMe first (last updated October 4 2004).
Consider starting on the Beginners page if you are new to Robocode.
- Targeting, Movement, MultiMode, Radar, EnergyManagement, IntelligenceManagement
- OneOnOne - Melee - Teams
- CodeSnippets, UtilityFunctions, DealingWithSkippedTurns, Strategy, Math
- [Robocode bot API]
- Bots - Make a page for your robot and/or any other robot you think is interesting.
- Leagues - Enter your bot into various competitions.
- See current rankings of the RoboRumble@Home on RoboRumble/CurrentRankings.
- Try your hand at one of our Challenges
- Resources - Find help on all kinds of things.
- Members - Anyone with the slightest interest in the subject. Please create a RoboWikiHomePage for yourself and/or your bot(s). If applicable, also add yourself to the ContactInfo page and post your pic in WhatWeLookLike
- RobocodeRepository - http://www.robocoderepository.com - It's what it says it is; A repository for Robocode related files. Mainly bots.
Robot creation
Bots - Make a page for your robot and/or any other robot you think is interesting. - Like:
Assorted grapes
Members - Anyone with the slightest interest in the subject. Please create a RoboWikiHomePage for yourself and/or your bot(s). If applicable, also add yourself to the InstantMessenger page.