For this to work any smoothly we will only allow one "main" package per author. -- PEZ
I've got a little problem here, without image it's not very pretty but I don't like my country and don't want to have a flag (flag is source of too many horror). Can you put a "no country" flag (I can try to find one) ? --Synnalagma
The flag for apvteam is the same as per apv package. -- Albert
Synnalagma, would the UN flag do? (Like the "wiki" bots have.) If not, holler at me, because that's the flag you have now. =)-- PEZ
OK, but if you send me the dimension i'll do a black or white one. --Synnalagma
The dimensions of the image are 30x18. -- Vuen
May you people please add a german flag to my bot: RiOx --deathcon
Done. Something seems to be wrong with the /Participants record for this bot I think. My client fails downloading it anyway. -- PEZ
Please add the image for the New Zealand flag and associate it with package nz. John Cleland
You are not the first one telling my this but i can't find to misstake.I'll upload it a third to to the repository and change the record list --deathcon
Does it work now? --deathcon
Nope. But I changed it for you now so it should work. -- PEZ
Thanx a lot. But another thing: is it possible to remove bots from the eternal rumble? --deathcon
If you mean EternalRumble it is as easy as sending an e-mail to and tell Amarok. --PEZ
If you wouldn't mind, Cinnamon should have a US flag next to it. Not that I really care, its is just easier to find that way. --Dan
Can Kenneth please have the english flag, the picture not found thingy doesn't particularly inspire me... --Brainfade
Done. Sorry if it took a while, I haven't checked this page in a while. -- PEZ
Bender is an italian soldier! - Goblin
OK, now it waves the Italian flag to show that as well. It can holler at his Swedish friend Nibbler. =) -- PEZ
pro.Lom 1.0 need a russian flag. :") -- Shu
Fixed. Though I can't see any such bot on the ranking table... Gave Raikio? a flag while at it. Can't have a #3 bot without a flag, can we? =) -- PEZ
Could you guys associate muf.CrazyKitten? 0.9 with Czech national flag, please? I prepared the picture to make it easier for you. --Muf
shu.nitro.LENIN .T34 need a russian flag. THANKS -- Shu
emp.Yngwie 1.11 does his stuff under the Dutch flag. Pez can you change that please? --Loki
krzysiek.robbo2.Robbo 1.0.0 looks like it should be flying a Polish flag, all it's taunts and package name are in Polish. -- Kuuran
kvk.HebusLeTroll 0.3 would have a french flag please. Merci.
OK. Shu, is it your bots both pro.Lom and LENIN? If so you should move them both to the same package. We have made the simplification in RR@H that we can link "top" package name with bot author in a 1-to-1 relationship. -- PEZ
I think you can associate the "shinh" package with Japan, too, since it was second at the Robocode Rumble of Japan. -- Kawigi
Lithuania flag for asm, please. -- asm
Our first Lithuanian bot I think. Welcome! -- PEZ
ahf have american flag?--andrew
amz, mz, gu and radnor are all american packages, too, right? -- Kawigi
yeah, but amz is supposed to me mz, but after i got lots of robots, i got mad that mine weren't at the top, so i added an a. -- Mike
Yeah, that's what Andrew said. -- Kawigi
OK, "ahf" and "amz" now have the US flag. "gu" and "radnor" has not yet, how sure are you that they are American Kawigi? -- PEZ
"gu" (me) should have the china flag and "radnor" (me, mz, ahf) should have the america flag. --Scoob
OK. Your wish is my command. =) -- PEZ
A USA flag for package usa please :-) --David Alves
please add the dutch (netherlands) flag to package vic --Vic
amz - us flag please -- Mike
You'll have to choose. amz or mz. Which is it? -- PEZ
please add the dutch flag to package fnc --Gumpu
please add the dutch flag to package bbo --BirdieB
Can you add the USA flag to package grybgoofy please? --Goofy
Sure thing! -- PEZ
please add the dutch flag to package japs --Parody
Done. -- PEZ
A(nother) dutch flag for package pla please? --PeLa
It's in place. -- PEZ
mc. is an italian soldier but peace flag, if is possible, is better for me. T(H)ANKS - Messapia
I'm not quite sure I understand what you mean. You want the Italian flag on package "mc"? -- PEZ
If i have correctly understood he wants the UN - flag , which he called peace flag. --deathcon
OK. That's done now. Messapia, you can just holler at me here if it was not the correct guess. Nice name for that flag btw. I wish it some day will truly deserve that label! -- PEZ
Thanks for the patience, I have preparated the flag that I want. -- Messapia
It looks like a completely other flag to me. =) Anyway, it's decorating your entry now. -- PEZ
The best flag for me (pulsar.PulsarMax) Pez please, YOU know which one ;-) -- Pulsar
Well, I only know of one flag being the best. =) Let me know if it is the same as your best flag or not. -- PEZ
Good "wild" guess ;-) -- Pulsar
Ballt! Det har varit ganska ensamt sedan Tobe, Crippa och Jimpa la av. Nu ska vi måla listan i gult och blått! -- PEZ
Hehehe! Bra plan! -- Pulsar
gjr.Cephalosporin should have a Canadian flag. -- GJR
Not sure swedes, for example Pez, hand out anything more to Canadians! ;-) -- Pulsar
Well, after what they did to Forsberg I might hesitate. =) Nah! The flag has been in place for a while now. -- PEZ
Please add the german flag to package mue. -- Mue
OK! -- PEZ
Hello, please add French Flag to fm.mammillarias 1.3, Thanks a lot for this great website --Franck
Bienvenue! -- PEZ
I'd like to see a Polish flag next to me... --lRem
Polish flag it is. -- PEZ
Hi, can I get an Irish Flag next to my wit.XXXXXX bots, we aren't used to winning too much but.... Chuculain
Welcome! -- PEZ
Could you add Polish flag to bots from my ph.* package, PEZ? -- Ph
Powitanie do wikiu! -- Kuuran
Polish flag for the ph.* bots done. -- PEZ
Please, a brazilian flag for the mn package. -- MN?
A blue flag with a yellow cross for strider.*, please. -- Strider
Så gärna, så gärna. =) -- PEZ
Hmm, jag har inte fått någon svensk flagga än... har du glömt? -- Strider
Nä. Men jag måste gjort nåt galet... Ska fixa direkt. -- PEZ
Tackar, tackar! -- Strider
Thanks PEZ for changing Brazilian flag as I asked, now that green-lighty-neon will no more hurt the eyes! -- Axe
Blue, white and red bars stacked on top of each other for package jonathan, preferably in MacOSX text input select style. :-) Not that I will put anything in the RR soon... -- Jonathan
So Jonathan... Are you from Paraguay? The Netherlands? Yugoslavia? The Slovak Republic? Thailand? The Russian Federation? Slovenia? Luxembourg? Croatia? Costa Rica? etc... :-) --David Alves
Guess which "Nederland" is. -- Jonathan
China flag for zen.* package please -- Zendragon
Thanks. I've been wondering for very long what flag Lindada should have. -- PEZ
Australian for ntw.* please. -- Nathanael
Norwegian flag for trab.* package please. -- trab
I know this should be iiley or Xiemin call, but shouldnt Pear be under a chinese flag? -- Axe
Tide is a open source project,we dont know what country people will join us. Just currently there are only me and Xiemin working in it. Pear is a chinese robot, but the package tide.* i don't know which flag will be appropriate. Let it be the default flag for a moment ;]. -- iiley
Spain flag for mnt.* package, please. -- lolo
"And, i am thinking of the flag of here, can we have the Chinese flag here, Pear 0.58 should be a chinese bot, since there was no one else joined our Tide project. -- iiley" copied from The2000Club --David Alves
Australian for sigterm.* and ntw.* please. -- Nathanael
PEZ, I believe trab and toz need the Norwegian flag. -- Alcatraz
I think we should have a Chinese Flag for tide.* package now, since it be started, there was only me and Xiemin are the developers, and there was not any chinese flag on top now, hope to see the red chinese flag. Thanx, please. -- iiley
USA flag for my matt.UnderDark3 bot please
please add a french flag for ds.* bots -- F4kill
I think everyone needs a reminder that the current RR@H server is only supposed to be temporary. We're waiting for David Alves to dare start his new server for real. Thus I have not linked any country flags to "new" Robocoders lately. But I'll do it this time, to encourage F4kill to stay with us. I'll link UnderDark's bots too. And the tide package and the ntw package. (To Nathanael; we only give the linking service for one package per coder. This to encourage people to only occupy one slot in the package name space.) Also I'll try to keep monitoring this space so that you people who have requested flags but been left unheard can request again. I'll try to be quick in linking your flags. -- PEZ
Dutch flag for gh.* package please. -- GrubbmGait
Done! -- PEZ
USA flag for germ.* if you don't mind -- Germ?
Hallo, could you give the swiss flag to gio.* thanx -- [John Doe]?
Done and done. Big welcome to the rumble both of ya! -- PEZ
hi, I want to have a german flag! Would be nice if i could get one!! Is it allowed to have more then one Bot of the same type in this League? For example Krabb.Krabby_1.0 and Krabb_Krabby_1.1 thx, Krabb
While some people do it for a short period of time (and you can really have as many different bots as you want), you're discouraged from putting two versions of the same bot in the rumble at a time. You can still access the old stats from the previous versions (just click on the current version's information and change the URL to match the old version), and you can run comparisons on them even (they just aren't in the active ranking tables). -- Kawigi
For the record. Since Pulsar is hosting the rumble now it is no longer I who link your "main" package names to your country flags. Pulsar will hopefullt see your request Krabb, else you might need to e-mail him to remind him to monitor this page. And Kawigi is right. Flood the rumble with different bots of yours if you like. But not two versions of the same bot at the same time. To compare two versions of your bot, edit the compare URL to include your both bots. The example you mentioned would look like so:
Feel free to update your bot as often as you like. I bet you can never compete with me in that game. =)
-- PEZ
Thx for the information and the example PEZ. And i will compete with you !! ;) --Krabb
German flag for Krabb done. -- Pulsar
Any chance of a nice Scottish flag for shrub? -- Shrubbery
I'll see what I can find! -- Pulsar Done!
Can ScanFire have a looked-down-on American flag? -- Kinsen
Out of curiosity, what is a looked-down-on American flag? -- Kawigi
An American flag that everyone hates. -- Kinsen
Maybe that "Don't Tread on me" one then? -- Kawigi
I meant the regular 50-star 13-stripe American flag. However, I was simply making a little allusion to the hatred a significant number have against it. -- Kinsen
I think you're just being paranoid toward the Swedish owners of the RoboWiki and RR@H servers. They're not all terrorists! -- Kawigi
Oh, I'm not paranoid about the owners. In fact I think that they are rather sane (except when it comes to Robocode) but there are others besides them. -- Kinsen
Um, can ScanFire have the American flag? It is still flagless. -- Kinsen
Irish flag for amk.* please. Gotta hold true to my heritage. (I'm 70-75% Irish, 20-25% German) -- AaronKrill
Kinsen and amk done. -- Pulsar
ROFL @ Kawigi! -- Shrubbery
lorneswork = Canadian flag please. Thanks! --Lorne
Done! -- Pulsar
leb = Dutch flag. long live the real cow boys ;-) leb?
Done! -- Pulsar
American flag for cjm.* please. Thanks! --Corbos
American flag for kid.* too, please. --KID
2 american flags delivered. --Pulsar
French flag for florent.* please. --Florent
Dutch flag for stefw.* please. Thanks! --StefW
American flag for wcsv.* would be great. --wcsv
3 flags added. --Pulsar
American flag for dcs.* please. --dcs
American for pedersen, since you probably don't have one with the white hand of Saruman. Thanks. - Martin Alan Pedersen
pedersen / USA should be USA.
Two american flags delivered. -- Pulsar
serenity.serenityFire 1.8 need a Russian flag. Please! -- Sergi
Please, set up Russian flag for "demetrix" package. -- DemetriX
2 russian flags delivered --Pulsar
Australian flag for the "marksteam" package, if possible. -- DarienPhoenix
I wonder, possible or not to install blank (i.e. white) flag for all bots without flags.
With this decision, tables of results will look more attractive than now, with "red X" (no pic) instead flags. -- DemetriX
Finnish flag next to deewiant.*, please. -- Deewiant
American flag for the "kc" package, please -- Kev
Could 'voidious' get a USA flag, please? -- Voidious
One finnish and two american flags delivered. -- Pulsar
And what about my proposal? ("blank" flags) -- DemetriX
I think it would take more programming than it is worth. -- Martin Alan Pedersen
It's no need to program, just put the blank "gif" with name <package>.gif. I am ready to make these "gifs". -- DemetriX
Sorry I missed that. The current way it is programmed (should be a database with a country field or something) it can't be done in a generic way other than the suggested one gif for each package. Can you send me/make available a zip file with a bunch of gifs with the correct names I would be more than happy to add them of course! -- Pulsar
Blank flags -- Martin Alan Pedersen
@Pulsar; a suggestion: can the 'team'-packages "dummy team" and "apvteam" get the same country flags as there corresponding '1-vs-1'-packages "dummy" and "apv"? This info is available and it makes the charts a bit nicer. thanks! -- Loki
Perfect thanks for the blank flags, added one for the bons package and renamed the queens one and they are all uploaded. Thanks again Martin Alan Pedersen and DemetriX! Fixed Loki's suggestion too. -- Pulsar
Thank you too, Pulsar, for hearing me and realize my proposal. Thanks to Pedersen for GIFs, but, Pedersen, why you saved GIFs with 256 colors, you know for these blanks 2 colors enough. It's strange to see blank GIFs of 835 bytes size, when others, not blank, have size about 200 bytes. I made new GIFs with 2 colors and size reduced more than 13 times (62 bytes). I think it has some importance for reducing site traffic, especially for users with 56K modems (like me ;-) ). Pulsar, if you are interesting these GIFs, you can get it HERE (also add "djc", "mskwik" and rename "fishi" to "fushi") -- DemetriX
Nice DemetriX :) They are now installed. -- Pulsar
New blank flags are here -- DemetriX
Thanks, installed! -- Pulsar
Could Union please receive a Canadian flag? Thanks! -- Arebolledo
Just to save Pulsar some research, that's package "areb". (The flags are on a per-package basis.) -- Voidious
Done and thanks Voidious. -- Pulsar
Could PH4448 have an English flag please? Thanks -- BigPete
Package pfvicm - U.S.A flag. Thanks. pfvicm
New blank flags here + USA flag for package pfvicm -- DemetriX
Thanks DemetriX, those have now been added. BigPete, I can't find such a package or robot in the rumble? -- Pulsar
If you are still around, could I get a Chinese flag for the package bing2.Melody please? Thanks a lot
Chinese flag for package bing2 delivered! --Pulsar
Please add the South Korea flag to package stelo -- Stelokim 20060808
Hmm I don't have a suitable south korean flag available actually. I'll see what I can do, sorry for the delay. -- Pulsar
You can find a suitable south korean flag here: OK, i resized it to 30x18 .gif file. -- Stelokim 20060810
Thanks, done! --Pulsar
Could I have the Australian flag added to the package jp? Thanks. --Jp
Please, a brazilian flag for the package step, ok?!?! Thanks!!!!
American flag for DM.* please --Damij
Please add Russian flag for yk.* -- YK
To Pulsar: new blank flags; Australian flag for "jp"; Brazilian flag for "step"; American flag for "DM"; Russian flag for "yk" can be downloaded from here -- DemetriX
I will be defending the US flag. That would be the "simonton" package (assuming I uploaded things correctly). Thank you. --Simonton
Can the "ap" package have the prussian flag (sorta kinda old germany)? My grandfather was from there. I have a copy that you can use -- Ann
Sorry for the delay all and thanks DemetriX! Now uploaded and should work. --Pulsar
Oh, why not, i'll defend the same country as my sister, Prussia! My package is "chase". However I went and made a better version of the mini-flag. Not only is it smaller (641 bytes vs 1,059 bytes), buts its clearer aswell. -- Chase-san
Been putting this off for just over a year now :D... An Australian flag for package techdude please. --Nfwu
Broken flags on packages: chase, zh, dggp, dittman and ag. -- Nfwu
Could I have a Dutch flag for pacakge mk please? -- MarijnK
2 Nfwu: these flags are not broken, just absent for a while and will be in future -- DemetriX
Could you add Serbia flag to my robot iRobot, please?
Countryflags are given to a 'package', not to a single bot. For example: your robot iRobot is known in robocode as 'AIR.iRobot 0.1' and your robot GnuKlub? as 'moonchi.GFTWSMotherFucker? 0.1'. That are also the names you should enter in the participants page, not the name of the jar. Also it is strongly advised to use one package name per author, in your case that could be moonchi or AIR or something else you like. I altered the name of iRobot on the participantspage, you can find it in the rankings around rank 100. That is a very nice ranking for a newbee. Before submitting your second bot, you might want to recompile it under another name, as that name is not very luckily chosen. At last but not least, welcome to the wiki! -- GrubbmGait
I recompiled both bots under different names and now the package name is 'mladjo'. Now I have two robots: mladjo.iRobot and mladjo.GnuKlub?. Could you associate country flag of Serbia to the package mladjo? Here is the flag
My bots have no flag yet, I'm from Germany -- Altglass
Please add an American flag for package whind. I guess it's time to have one. -- Greywhind
USA flag for me please -- Baal
Canada flag for me 'n Lothrik :) -- MaXiMiUS
Please attach the USA flag to my package -- Ne
2 MaXiMiUS: package "mjb", isn't it? -- DemetriX
2 Pulsar:New 12 blank flags only can be downloaded from here -- DemetriX
Yes, mjb. -- MaXiMiUS
2 Pulsar: Maybe you can give me some rights to put new flags to server directory? -- DemetriX
Can I have a Polish flag for the pacakge 'deith' please? - deith
Hi all, I'm sorry for the lack of response here. This thing about the server side having to update the flags is unfortunate. Maybe one day we will have a better way (such as choosing yourself which I was planning for at one time, but so many other things as usual...). I've updated the blank flags. The other flags, lagging behind, I would really appreciate if someone took the time and bunched them all together in one zip file or so. Blank flags updated. --Pulsar
I be changing of my mind on my flag, and at the same time, uploaded a new GIF. I would perfer the Japanese flag, as they need someone defending them in the top 100. The old one looks like a badly squished bright red dot, where as the japanese one is a little darker. So this flag for the 'chase' package please. --Chase-san
I'm compiling a archive of all updated flags now (for each package thats changed, not just country). --Chase-san
As my subdomain seems to be down, you can find the zip here: . You should be able to just dump these into the flag directory and they should work (all are 30x18 gif's with names of packages). --Chase-san
rc.yoda.Yoda needs a canada flag when its up on the ranking wall -- Gorded
Many thanks Chase-san! Flags are now uploaded, yours as well Gorded. --Pulsar
Please add the German flag for package jgap. Thanx a lot -- Klaus Meffert
Please add USA flag for da.NewBGank? -- Damon
Please add the german flag for package de. Thanks -- Hennes
Please add the British flag for package tcf. Thanks -- Tim Foden
Can you add a South African flag for package jk? Thanks -- Skilgannon
USA flag for package "ar" please. -- AaronR
Indian flag for the "sng" package please. Thanks -- CodeGoat
The Canadian flag for the package "projectx" please and thanks -- ProjectX
Australian flag for "donjezza" please.
German flag for Package "Bemo" please.
Can you please add the italian flag to package mcb? Thanks
Polish flag for Package "marcinek" and "lechu" please.
I'll work on making up another zip for these. --Chase-san
Okay, once again it is here: They are inside a folder inside a zip this time, as I know most people use an ftp to upload stuff, this way they don't have a bunch of loose images floating around a folder. this is the new version however, I also updated the blank flags as best I could and updated a few others with higher quality versions. Better colors better detail, but still attempted to keep the size down. --Chase-san
So is Pulsar around anymore? Or should I start writing up my own server software. >:) --Chase-san
Can I have a Singapore Flag for ary.SOS_1.01 and any other bot that is mine in the future? Thanks.
Can you add the italian flag to package mmb please?
It would be possible to add the european flag to the package "jab"? you can find 30x18 image at Thanks.
Polish flag for Package "zch", please. ZCH?
Singapore Flag for ary.FourWD?, please. Thank you. -- aryary
Please add german flag for package alk.*. Thanks [Kai Altstaedt]
Singapore Flag for package 'ary.*', the same one as in package ' ak.* ', please. Thanks. -- aryary
Can I have my flag for package ary.*? Thanks. -- aryary
A Canadian flag for ags.* would be nice when someone canget to it. Thanks :) -- Rednaxela
can I have the french flag please ? My package is sul.* Thanks. --Sulibilune
Polish flag to am.* please. :> Miedziu
Hungarian flag for package hp.* please :) Skinn3r
New authors don't seem to have a flag. Is there any possible way at all to "give them a country to stay in"? Poor me doesn't have one as well :( -- Aryary
Can I have Thai flag for my package, nat.* please? -- Nat
Hi, I'd like a Venezuelan flag for zyx.*, please. I haven't seen any bot with it, I don't know if you have a standard way of getting the flags, or if you prefer for me to upload one somewhere. Thanks -- zyx
Hi, I'd like a Hungarian flag for robar.* please. :] Here's one: (I've made it just for You! :))
Hi, if I could have a canadian flag for package justin.* Thanks