Please list all known open source bots here. This page is alphabetized by bot name, but if you're looking for a specific implementation of something, check one of these sorted subpages:
Code size category - Movement type - Targeting method - Superclass - Author
Bot | Code size | Movement | Targeting | Saves Data | Author | Extends | Comment
Archer | mini | RandomMovement | GuessFactorTargeting | No | Ph | AdvancedRobot
Aristocles | micro | FlatMovement | GuessFactorTargeting | No | PEZ | AdvancedRobot
Ash | micro | RandomMovement | PatternMatching | No | Iiley | AdvancedRobot
Barracuda | mini | FlatMovement | AveragedBearingOffsetTargeting | Yes | Kawigi | AdvancedRobot
BlackSwans | mini | RandomMovement | PatternMatching | No | Iiley | AdvancedRobot
BlackPearl | mini | Oscillators | GuessFactorTargeting | Yes | Sparafucil3 | AdvancedRobot
BlackWidow | micro | RandomMovement | AngularTargeting | No | PEZ | AdvancedRobot
BrokenSword | mini | MinimumRiskMovement | GuessFactorTargeting | No | Voidious | AdvancedRobot
Cake | mega | ? | ? | No | Vuen | AdvancedRobot
CassiusClay | mega | WaveSurfing | StatisticalTargeting, VirtualGuns | No | PEZ | AdvancedRobot
Chalk | mega | WaveSurfing | GuessFactorTargeting* | No | Corbos | AdvancedRobot
Charo | micro | RandomMovement | GuessFactorTargeting | No | Corbos | AdvancedRobot
Che | mini | RandomMovement | PatternMatching | No | Corbos | AdvancedRobot
Chomsky | mega | WaveSurfing | NeuralTargeting | No | Corbos | AdvancedRobot
Cigaret | mini | RandomMovement | GuessFactorTargeting* | No | Iiley | AdvancedRobot
Codious | mega | MinimumRiskMovement | PatternMatching | No | Voidious | TeamRobot
Corebot? | mega | [random movement]? | anyhowgun? | No | zidanetri? | Robot
Constitution | mega | BulletDodging? | VirtualGuns | No | zidanetri? | Robot
Cyanide | mega | WaveSurfing | GuessFactorTargeting | No | Alcatraz | AdvancedRobot
DarkHallow | mega | WaveSurfing | GuessFactorTargeting | No | Sparafucil3 | AdvancedRobot
Dexterity? | mega | BulletDodging? | MultipleChoice | No | Greywhind | AdvancedRobot
Dookious | mega | WaveSurfing | GuessFactorTargeting | Yes | Voidious | AdvancedRobot
Duelist | mega | ? | ? | No | David Alves | AdvancedRobot
DuelistMicro | micro | PerpendicularMovement | VirtualBullets | No | David Alves | AdvancedRobot
DuelistMicroMelee | micro | PerpendicularMovement, AntiGravityMovement, ArbitraryMovement | HeadOnTargeting | No | David Alves | AdvancedRobot
DuelistNano | nano | ? | ? | ? | David Alves | ?
DuelistNanoMelee | nano | ? | ? | No | David Alves | AdvancedRobot
DuelistNanoMeleeMkII? | nano | ? | ? | No | David Alves | ?
DustBunny | nano | [AntiGravityMovement] | Unique, see Infinity | No | Miked0801 | AdvancedRobot
Fhqwhgads | mini | PerpendicularMovement | GuessFactorTargeting | Yes | Kawigi | AdvancedRobot
FhqwhgadsMicro | micro | PerpendicularMovement | GuessFactorTargeting, VirtualBullets | No | Kawigi | AdvancedRobot
FloodMicro | micro | FlatMovement | HeadOnTargeting | No | Kawigi | AdvancedRobot
FloodMini | mini | FlatMovement | GuessFactorTargeting | Yes | Kawigi | AdvancedRobot
FloodNano | nano | FlatMovement | RandomTargeting | No | Kawigi | AdvancedRobot
FloodSonnet | sonnet | FlatMovement, MinimumRiskMovement | GuessFactorTargeting | Yes | Kawigi | AdvancedRobot
Frankie | mega | RandomMovement | PatternMatching | Yes | PEZ | AdvancedRobot
FunkyChicken | nano | Unique | PatternMatching | No | Kawigi | AdvancedRobot
Gem | nano | Unique | Unique, see Infinity | No | Rod Hyde | AdvancedRobot
GloomyDark | mega | RandomMovement | GuessFactorTargeting | Yes | PEZ | AdvancedRobot
Gouldingi | mini | RandomMovement | AngularTargeting, AveragedBearingOffsetTargeting | No | PEZ | AdvancedRobot
GouldingiHT | mini | FlatMovement | AngularTargeting, AveragedBearingOffsetTargeting | No | PEZ | AdvancedRobot
GresSuffurd | mega | WaveSurfing | GuessFactorTargeting | No | GrubbmGait | AdvancedRobot
Griezel | mega | MinimumRiskMovement | CircularTargeting | No | GrubbmGait | TeamRobot
Grofvuil | nano | Oscillators | LinearTargeting | No | GrubbmGait | TeamRobot
GrubbmGrb | mega | StopNGo, Oscillators | VirtualGuns | No | GrubbmGait | AdvancedRobot
GrubbmOgre | mini | Oscillators | HeadOnTargeting | No | GrubbmGait | TeamRobot
GrubbmOne | mini | CircleBots | CircularTargeting | No | GrubbmGait | AdvancedRobot
GrubbmThree | micro | RamBots | CircularTargeting | No | GrubbmGait | AdvancedRobot
GrubbmTwo | mini | Oscillators | LinearTargeting | No | GrubbmGait | AdvancedRobot
Gruwel | mini | StopNGo, Oscillators | CircularTargeting | No | GrubbmGait | AdvancedRobot
Gruweltje | micro | Oscillators | CircularTargeting | No | GrubbmGait | AdvancedRobot
GrypRepetyf | mega | Oscillators | PatternMatching | No | GrubbmGait | AdvancedRobot
Hoplomachy | nano | StopNGo / Orbit | Semi-Circular | No | Kinsen | AdvancedRobot
Infinity | nano | Box-like | Unique | No | Miked0801 | AdvancedRobot
Komarious | mini | WaveSurfing | GuessFactorTargeting | No | Voidious | AdvancedRobot
KomariousTeam | twinduel | WaveSurfing | GuessFactorTargeting | No | Voidious | TeamRobot
Lacrimas | mega | RandomMovement | PatternMatching* | Yes | Iiley | AdvancedRobot
Lifestealer | mini(996) | LinearCircularRamming? | LinearCircularTargeting | No | Stelokim | AdvancedRobot
LineofFire | mega | BestAreaMovement? | GuessFactorTargeting | No | Greywhind | AdvancedRobot
Lukious | mega | WaveSurfing, DynamicClustering | DynamicClustering | No | Voidious | AdvancedRobot
LuminariousDuo | twinduel | MinimumRiskMovement | GuessFactorTargeting | No | Voidious | TeamRobot
MakoHT | mega | FlatMovement, ProvocativeMovement | AngularTargeting, AveragedBearingOffsetTargeting | No | Kawigi, PEZ | AdvancedRobot
Moebius | nano | ? | PatternMatching | No | Miked0801 | AdvancedRobot
Musashi | mega | ? | PatternMatching | Yes | Axe | AdvancedRobot
NanoSatan | nano | Unique | PatternMatching | No | Kuuran | AdvancedRobot
NanoLauLectrik | nano | Oscillators | PatternMatching | No | Albert | AdvancedRobot
Nimrod | mini | AntiGravityMovement | PatternMatching* | No | Iiley | TeamRobot
Okami | mega | WaveSurfing | PatternMatching | Yes | Axe | AdvancedRobot
OrcaM | mega | RandomMovement | NeuralTargeting | No | PEZ | AdvancedRobot
Pear | mega | WaveSurfing | GuessFactorTargeting | No | Tide | TeamRobot
Perpy | mega | buggy WaveSurfing | GuessFactorTargeting, CircularTargeting, LinearTargeting | Between rounds | Jp | AdvancedRobot | Messy, and a little buggy in places.
Pikeman | micro | RandomMovement | GuessFactorTargeting | No | Ph | AdvancedRobot
PluggableRobot | mega | n/a | n/a | No | RobertWalker | AdvancedRobot | Robot framework
PowerHouse | mega | WaveSurfing | GuessFactorTargeting, PatternMatching | No | wcsv | AdvancedRobot
Princess | mega | EscapeAreaMovement | PatternMatching | Yes | Iiley | AdvancedRobot | partial source
Pugilist | mini | WaveSurfing | GuessFactorTargeting | No | PEZ | AdvancedRobot
Raiko | mini | PerpendicularMovement | GuessFactorTargeting | Yes | Jamougha | AdvancedRobot
RaikoMicro | micro | PerpendicularMovement | GuessFactorTargeting | No | Jamougha | AdvancedRobot
RaikoMX | mega | WaveSurfing | GuessFactorTargeting | Yes | Jamougha | AdvancedRobot
RaikoNano | nano | ? | ? | No | rozu, Jamougha | AdvancedRobot
SandboxMini | mini | ? | GuessFactorTargeting | Yes | Paul Evans | AdvancedRobot
ScanFire | mega | RandomMovement | ? | No | Kinsen | TeamRobot
ScruchiPu | mega | RandomMovement | NeuralTargeting | Yes | Albert | AdvancedRobot | NeuralTargeting part
Shaakious | mega | WaveSurfing | PatternMatching | No | Voidious | AdvancedRobot
SilverFist | mega | WaveSurfing | GuessFactorTargeting | ? | PEZ, Axe, Vic | AdvancedRobot
SilverSurfer | mega | WaveSurfing | PatternMatching | Yes | Axe | AdvancedRobot
Smoke | micro | PerpendicularMovement | PatternMatching | No | Iiley | AdvancedRobot
SpareParts | mega | MultiMode | VirtualGuns | No | Kawigi | AdvancedRobot
Spark | micro | PerpendicularMovement | PatternMatching | No | Iiley | Robot
Squirrel | mega | WaveSurfing | GuessFactorTargeting | Not Yet | Bayen | AdvancedRobot
Swiffer | mega | MultiMode | GuessFactorTargeting | Yes | PEZ | AdvancedRobot
Teancum | mini | FlatMovement | PatternMatching | Yes | Kawigi | AdvancedRobot
TheBrainPi | mega | RandomMovement | NeuralTargeting | Yes | Albert | AdvancedRobot
Tigger | mega | WaveSurfing | GuessFactorTargeting | No | StefW | AdvancedRobot
Tityus | mini | RandomMovement | GuessFactorTargeting | Yes | PEZ | AdvancedRobot
Uba | mini or micro | RandomMovement | GuessFactorTargeting, LinearTargeting | No | Bayen | AdvancedRobot
UnderDark4 | mega | PerpendicularMovement | GuessFactorTargeting | No | UnderDark | Robot
VertiLeach | mini | VertiMovement WaveSurfing | ReducedDimensionalSegmentation | No | PEZ | AdvancedRobot
Vapour | mega | AntiGravityMovement, ArbitraryMovement | ? | No | Shrubbery | AdvancedRobot
Virus | mega | WaveSurfing | [[StatisticalTargeting]] | Yes | Albert | RaikoMX
Wang | mini(1291) | SharpTurn, CornerMovement, RandomMovement | LinearCircularTargeting | No | Stelokim | AdvancedRobot
Wisdom | mega | BulletDodging? | LaserTargeting | No | Greywhind | AdvancedRobot
* = not 100% sure about that one
- [All of Dummy's bots] (the robocoderepository botsearch feature doesn't seem to work properly anymore :-( )
Hmm, maybe this page should be organized differently... I think there are a lot of tanks missing from this list, and it's already pretty long. -- Voidious
Knowing which bots are open source isn't very useful - knowing which bots have an open source implemention of XYZ could be. Prehaps it should be a list of "Open source wavesurfers" and "open source antigravers", etc. -- Tango
That's a good idea. Maybe I'll work on that a bit and then post it... (It'd be nice to do something constructive every time I'm running 100+ matches to test something here. :)) -- Voidious
Ok, I actually got a first pass of this done a lot quicker than I thought I would. I've turned the above into a table, with a few types of data. Some of it may be a little off, or oversimplified, and things I was particularly unsure about are marked with an asterisk. A few things are even just left as question marks, because I couldn't easily find that info. Both GrubbmGait and Dummy need all their bots added to the list, as well, but I just wanted to get this posted for now.
If this format works for everyone, I can pretty easily create differently sorted versions of this list. I've uploaded both Excel and CSV versions of the spreadsheet I made, if anyone wants to do anything with them. -- Voidious
Looks good to me - sorted versions would be great. -- Tango
I was hoping someone would do this sort of thing but apply it to the not so obvious such as extends robot/advanced robot and if it implements droid. -- Kinsen
I don't mind adding more info to the list, so I'll do those next... If there's anything else that someone wants listed, please mention it, as it's more convenient to do a bunch of stuff in one pass than going through multiple times. -- Voidious
It pretty much sums it up, extends Robot/Advancedrobot?/Teamrobot? is the only thing I would like added. --GrubbmGait
Ok, I added the field for what class the tank extends. If anyone wants the source files, check out the CSV or text files that I uploaded. I'll get sorted or grouped subpages up soon... Is everyone OK with the table being so wide? I know it is wider than most browsers (mine included), but it's a lot of info. -- Voidious
I also added sorted versions of this list as subpages. If people just update this page, I can pretty easily recreate the sorted pages from time to time, as it is a bit of a pain for everyone to add their tank to 6 different "open source" pages. -- Voidious
The 'Comments' column does not seem to add much (yet). Added all my active bots. -- GrubbmGait
Can a robot actually extend RaikoMX (curious about Virus because it "cannibalizes the Raiko")? -- Kinsen
Yep, it really, truly begins with:
public class Virus extends jam.RaikoMX {
I'll re-mirror this list over to the sorted pages sometime this week... -- Voidious
Wow. Great work with this listing! I don't see the point in knowing what class the bot extends though. But knowing if it's a Melee, OneOnOne, Team, FemtoBot, HaikuBot and such would be interesting. And I would slash codesize info (MiniBot, NanoBot) into the same column. And only if it's not a MegaBot. -- PEZ